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About those looking to punish The Evil
11/12/2007 14:28:41
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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About those looking to punish The Evil
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...I wrote before, and the Pickton thread isn't the first time.

For a while I thought it must be the priests, in their weekly rants, going very severely and personally against anyone who sins (in their definition - well, "sin" is their invention anyway) in matters of sex or other matters that they defined as intimate.

Thinking that all sins aren't created equal, I went into search of cases when the target of chiding wasn't the latest adulterous couple, or local bordello, or whatever (someone fill me in here - I have no idea how it really looks, except from the movies), but when it was a murderous corporation. Like Union Carbide - that one killed a lot of people in Bhopal, and many of the survivors were severely crippled. So they must have been condemned by every priest worth his collar out there - that must have rang SIN in 144 point font, with all of the bold, underline, flashing and animation one can imagine.

So I set out to google for "priest condemns" corporation. Wow - a total of six pages. Out of which about half are "priest condemns use of condoms", or quotes from holy books, or any other unrelated set of news, where the word "corporation" is elsewhere on the page, most often in the page footer. There were a few cases of priests condemning political violence by governments or other entities (specially Ulster)

The worthy exceptions:

http://www.cathnews.com/news/702/index.php - The parish priest of St Florentina on Rapu Rapu island in the central Philippines has condemned the re-opening of an Australian-owned mine on the island after the government lifted a 15-month suspension of operations owing to earlier tailing spills.

http://environment.harvard.edu/religion/religion/christianity/christianity.pdf - This paper, written by an Irish Catholic Priest, condemns the patenting of living. He argues that patenting will make life the. property of large companies. ...

http://www.positiveuniverse.com/2006/February/FreeSpeech.html contains a link to a political article (priest condemns Guantanamo, but article is 404)

Huh? That's all. If it's not on the web, it never happened, you well know.

So why can't I find any example of a priest condemning a corporation, in the whole of the web, why was it never in the news (apart from these two)? Why can't Google find them? But it finds 1140 links without the word "corporation".

A couple who does it without their blessing is somehow eternally damned and will be the mouthwash on Sunday, but a corporation which kills and maims thousands is not worth a honorable mention? Let's assume that I shouldn't expect Union Carbide, it was before the Web existed, but then I've found stuff as old as 1990 - where's the damnation publicly thrown at Enron, Halliburton, Blackwater, Global Crossing, Worldcom, Adelphia...? Are four legs good, two legs better?

back to same old

the first online autobiography, unfinished by design
What, me reckless? I'm full of recks!
Balkans, eh? Count them.

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