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Exporting to Excel
28/12/2007 12:07:51
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
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Thank you very much for the detailed example. I guess the reason I was using the Export command is for simplicity. But I will study your code of changing it to automation; maybe.

Again, thank you.

>>When exporting to Excel using the following code, I end up having the Excel File of version 2.1.
>>EXPORT TO (cExcelFileName) type XLS
>>Is it possible to make the file be of the latest version of Excel?
>>Thank you.
>Yes, why not, do not use Export command but automation instead:
>* These represent complex SQL as a sample
>Select emp_id,First_Name,Last_Name,;
>  Title,Notes ;
>  from (_samples+'\data\employee') ;
>  into Cursor crsEmployee ;
>  readwrite
>Replace All Notes With Chrtran(Notes,Chr(13)+Chr(10),Chr(10))
>Select cust_id,company,contact,Title,country,postalcode ;
>  from (_samples+'\data\customer') ;
>  into Cursor crsCustomer ;
>  nofilter
>Select * ;
>  from (_samples+'\data\orders') ;
>  into Cursor crsOrders ;
>  nofilter
>Select * ;
>  from (_samples+'\data\orditems') ;
>  into Cursor crsOrderDetail ;
>  nofilter
>Select * ;
>  from (_samples+'\data\products') ;
>  into Cursor crsProducts ;
>  nofilter
>* Now we want to get these on 3 sheets
>* Sheet1: Employees only
>* Sheet2: Customers only
>* Sheet3: Orders, ordItems, Products layed out horizontally
>Local oExcel
>oExcel = Createobject("Excel.Application")
>With oExcel
>  .DisplayAlerts = .F.
>  .Workbooks.Add
>  .Visible = .T.
>  With .ActiveWorkBook
>    For ix = 1 To 3 && We want 3 Sheets
>      If .sheets.Count < m.ix
>        .sheets.Add(,.sheets(.sheets.Count)) && Add new sheets
>      Endif
>    Endfor
>    * Name the sheets
>    .WorkSheets(1).Name = "Employees"
>    .WorkSheets(2).Name = "Customers"
>    .WorkSheets(3).Name = "Order, OrderDetail, Products" && max sheetname is 31 chars
>    * Start sending data
>    * First one has headers specified
>    VFP2Excel('crsEmployee',    .WorkSheets(1).Range("A1"), ;
>      "Id,First Name,Last Name,Employee Title,Comments about employee" ) && To sheet1, start at A1
>    VFP2Excel('crsCustomer',    .WorkSheets(2).Range("A1") ) && To sheet2, start at A1
>    VFP2Excel('crsOrders',      .WorkSheets(3).Range("A1") ) && To sheet3, start at A1
>    * Need to know where to put next
>    * Leave 2 columns empty - something like 'G1'
>    lcRange = _GetChar(.WorkSheets(3).UsedRange.Columns.Count + 3) + '1'
>    * To sheet3, start at next to previous
>    VFP2Excel('crsOrderDetail', .WorkSheets(3).Range(m.lcRange) )
>    lcRange = _GetChar(.WorkSheets(3).UsedRange.Columns.Count + 3) + '1'
>    * To sheet3, start at next to previous
>    VFP2Excel('crsProducts',    .WorkSheets(3).Range(m.lcRange) )
>    #Define xlJustify                                         -4130
>    #Define xlTop                                             -4160
>    * I just happen to know notes in at column 5 from SQL
>    * No need to query from excel to keep code simple
>    * Lets format that column specially instead of leaving
>    * at the mercy of Excel's autofitting
>    .WorkSheets(1).UsedRange.VerticalAlignment = xlTop && set all to top
>    With .WorkSheets(1).Columns(5)
>      .ColumnWidth = 80 && 80 chars width
>      .WrapText = .T.
>      *      .HorizontalAlignment = xlJustify && doesn't work good always
>    Endwith
>    * Finally some cosmetic stuff
>    For ix=1 To 3
>      With .WorkSheets(m.ix)
>        .Columns.AutoFit
>        .Rows.AutoFit
>      Endwith
>    Endfor
>    .WorkSheets(1).Activate
>  Endwith
>  #Define xlWorkbookNormal                                  -4143
>  * for another test save in current Excel version
>  .ActiveWorkBook.SaveAs('c:\temp\ReadMeBack.xls',xlWorkbookNormal)
>* Warning:
>* Copying to a free table (might be dbc based)
>* temporarily and using field names as headers
>* if not passed.
>* This might lead to problems like:
>* Truncated fieldnames of 2 columns collide and copy to errors
>* Field names might be cryptic for the enduser
>Function VFP2Excel
>  Lparameters tcCursorName, toRange, tcHeaders
>  tcCursorName = Iif(Empty(m.tcCursorName),Alias(),m.tcCursorName)
>  Local loConn As AdoDB.Connection, loRS As AdoDB.Recordset,;
>    lcTemp, oExcel,ix
>  lcTemp = Forcepath(Sys(2015)+'.dbf',Sys(2023))
>  Select (m.tcCursorName)
>  Copy To (m.lcTemp)
>  loConn = Createobject("Adodb.connection")
>  loConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=VFPOLEDB;Data Source="+Sys(2023)
>  loConn.Open()
>  loRS = loConn.Execute("select * from "+m.lcTemp)
>  * Use first row for headers
>  Local Array aHeader[1]
>  toRange.Offset(1,0).CopyFromRecordSet( loRS )  && Copy data starting from headerrow + 1
>  For ix=1 To Iif( !Empty(m.tcHeaders), ;
>      ALINES(aHeader, m.tcHeaders,1,','), ;
>      loRS.Fields.Count )
>    toRange.Offset(0,m.ix-1).Value = ;
>      Iif( !Empty(m.tcHeaders), ;
>      aHeader[m.ix], ;
>      Proper(loRS.Fields(m.ix-1).Name) )
>    toRange.Offset(0,m.ix-1).Font.Bold = .T.
>  Endfor
>  loRS.Close
>  loConn.Close
>  Erase (m.lcTemp)
>* Return A, AA, BC etc noation for nth column
>Function _GetChar
>  Lparameters tnColumn && Convert tnvalue to Excel alpha notation
>  If m.tnColumn = 0
>    Return ""
>  Endif
>  If m.tnColumn <= 26
>    Return Chr(Asc("A")-1+m.tnColumn)
>  Else
>    Return 	_GetChar(Int(Iif(m.tnColumn % 26 = 0,m.tnColumn - 1, m.tnColumn) / 26)) + ;
>      _GetChar((m.tnColumn-1)%26+1)
>  Endif
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"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
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