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First Corn Ethanol Next Fat Ethanol
31/12/2007 15:12:38
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
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My dad popped a nice doe. Yesterday I had a beautiful shot at another decent doe, but my gun decided to misfire. I changed my primer and tried again at the same deer (he was stupid enough to hang around to try to figure out what the loud bang was) and it misfired again. I dropped the f-bomb about 37 times, and the deer ran over and got shot by my brother.

And somehow I got to drag both of those back to the truck.

>Get any deer?
>>I want to someday. I just got back from a long weekend of deer hunting with my dad and little brother, and I can't wait until I can share that with a son someday.
>>>Shhh! Keep talking like that and there will be no sex in the Cole household at all, LOL.
>>>Actually I should have kept my yap shut for once. I was just kidding around but in general I know enough not to even bring that subject up. There are many reasons couples do not have babies, or do not have them at a particular time, and it's really no one else's business.
>>>>Not until they live every moment (24x7) with that puppy and get no sleep or time to themselves for months... :o)
>>>>>>>>>>Yeah, there is just one problem, the energy efficiency of corn ethanol is negative.
>>>>>>>>>>Also, while sugar ethanol could be produced more efficiently outside USA, there are lots of countries which are not terrorist homes or extremists tiranies that can produce sugar ethanol.
>>>>>>>>>>If the goal is to achieve independence of foreign supplies, you better start building more nuclear plants or drill Alaska more intensively.
>>>>>>>>>There's a simpler way: ban SUVs and home trucks, or at least revoke the tax incentives for them and tax them like large cars, which they basically are. Want to have a truck? Prove that you are doing business with it that can't be served by a car, or pay lots of taxes. Want to have a home tank? Prove that you're an army.
>>>>>>>>Great... let's regulate something else in this country.
>>>>>>>>The Chatter forum is starting to turn me into a Republican very quickly.
>>>>>>>Even among those of us who trend more to the left than the right, I don't think you're going to find much support for banning SUVs and passenger trucks. Don't get your knickers in a twist ;-)
>>>>>>>How is your dog doing? Crash is showing some signs of coming around. For instance, he now goes by the back door when he wants to be let out. This is a big improvement over "Right here will be just fine."
>>>>>>She's doing good. I would say about 95% potty trained. About once every 15 days she will have an accident, and it's usually a result of us trying to give her a little more freedom.
>>>>>>We have worked with her a lot, but have also been very very lucky. She is a pretty well behaved dog naturally. She has also only gotten me up in the middle of the night once or twice since we have gotten her, which is pretty remarkable.
>>>>>Excellent, excellent. I think you and your wife are ready for a baby now ;-)
Very fitting: http://xkcd.com/386/

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