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First Corn Ethanol Next Fat Ethanol
02/01/2008 16:38:57
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
02/01/2008 16:37:58
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
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And I didn't even mention the coyote that ran about 30 feet away from me. And the turkeys, pheasants, eagles, and squirrels.

>I just spent a long weekend walking out in the woods in the middle of nowhere carrying a gun, climbing hills, and walking on terrain where one false step would mean rolling down a huge hill and ending up in a freezing creek where I would probably feeze to death pretty quickly. There's something about doing that that puts you more in tune with yourself.
>>I took both dogs for a long walk. It's been the highlight of the day so far. My main computer seems to be toast and both girls are away. Not a red letter day at Casa Frijole.
>>>I think you need to discover the great outdoors. Some quality time with yourself (and Crash) might be what the doctor ordered.
>>>>If you were at the bingotorium I would definitely go ;-)
>>>>Thank you for the smiles during a PC crisis, which normally unhinges me.
>>>>>The last time I visited Grand Junction, CO my sister, who is 4 years older than I, dragged me to bingo. like you I imagined an evening in a retirement community. Surprisingly, the average age was in the mid 30s. I was in the minority and one of the older ones there! Most towns have numerous bingo sites and I guess the ages range at each one. You might have to visit a few. At least it is one of the few spots where you might actually make money while shopping around! :o)
>>>>>>And the Isle of Man, too, I bet ;-)
>>>>>>I have tried most of those and have had my share of success. I'm not pathetic. Just nothing lately. What troubles me is I feel disinterested.
>>>>>>I know, I know, I should just get off my a** and find someone. My wishes are not off in the stratosphere somewhere. I just want a woman who is smart, funny, reasonably good looking, and reasonably horny. Is that too much to ask?
>>>>>>Bingo? Hmmm. Isn't the median age like 88?
>>>>>>Bowling brings back memories ;-; My client at the time was in a league and I was fixed up properly. I still get a Christmas card from her every year. High up in the company now, husband, kids in high school. I can't think of her without smiling ;-)
>>>>>>>Here are some good locations:
>>>>>>>Writers Workshops (There are more women than men typically)
>>>>>>>Grocery stores
>>>>>>>School Sporting Events
>>>>>>>>Mine was quiet, too, although I won't say that's the way I like it. It used to be my favorite romantic night of the year. (And not because of alcohol, as you might guess). This year, no. Just dull.
>>>>>>>>Tamar is right. I need a girlfriend.
>>>>>>>>>I had a very quiet NYE. Just the way I like it. :o)
>>>>>>>>>>No, I was nor referring to the 1996 farm bill. It has been going on a lot longer than that.
>>>>>>>>>>Did you have a good NYE? Mine was completely boring, other than a nice gumbo I made for me Emily and me. Asleep before midnight. I did wake up with a great idea in the middle of the night but at this point it's worth a cup of coffee.
>>>>>>>>>>>Actually, paying farmers to not grow anything was not the intent of the 1996 bill (I'm assuming everyone is referring to the 1996 bill since it was meant to replace the older method which did pay farmers to not grow anything). There's a very interesting article here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Actually I think Victor brought up an interesting point there. Some farmers are indeed paid subsidies by the government (i.e. us) to not grow crops. And that money doesn't all go to small family farms, either.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>You seem to have no inside knowledge of anything concerning US agriculture, so I'm not going to debate it with you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>No one is critizicing US per se. Only the vast amount of power your farmers have there.....commo'n, do you really like that they get paid tax dollars for NOT producing something?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yeah, but the US is an easy target of criticism.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'd say that the U.S. is doing more than its share supporting products made in Peru (as one example):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That is hardly closing the economy to cheaper foreign goods.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>If you think that the best think for the american people is that your government closes their economy to cheaper foreign goods , you are in good company along with Castro and Chavez......hey, why not every country closes their borders to any foreign good and tries to be self supplied for any good produced inside their borders? Sure that would make this global economy work better :)
Very fitting: http://xkcd.com/386/

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