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Cinema rant
03/01/2008 08:42:14
03/01/2008 08:38:19
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
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My daughter has friends that died in car accidents. I know of no one else though who has suffered the same terrible fate twice in the same family.

>Wow. Now that is horrible luck.
>>When I was a young teen, my oldest sister's friend died driving drunk. The passenger in the car died as well. He overshot a corner and plowed into a tree. Later in life, a friend of mine lost her sister to a drunk driver on the freeway. She was going home after work and the drunk driver drove into her lane and hit her headon. Recently, she lost both of her parents to a drunk driver on the freeway as well.
>>>When I was in college, I started a phase where it was OK to drive drunk. I got away with it 2 nights in a row and had a blast those nights. I could get drunk for cheap in my dorm room, drive to the bar where my friends were at, and drive to a few house parties. All the money I saved too...
>>>The morning after my second night, I received a call that my long time friend from high school was killed in a car accident and it was suspected he had been drinking. The lady in the other car was paralyzed as a result. I still really haven't shaken that one off yet.
>>>>The worst, of course, is drunk driving. I am ashamed to admit it but when I was young (many years ago), I was a drunk driver.
>>>>>And reading papers and books while driving, text messaging while driving, putting on makeup while driving, playing with the radio while driving, writing notes while driving, sitting so you cannot see out the windows while driving, playing music so loud you cannot hear emergency vehicles while driving...
>>>>>>I wish cell phone use was banned for all drivers. The accident rate would definitely go down.
>>>>>>>NC has it for < 18 - not even hands free...
>>>>>>>>>>Hi Nicholas.
>>>>>>>>>>>could someone tell me why people have to send text messages during films
>>>>>>>>>>I want to know why people have to send text messages while driving.
>>>>>>>>>It's almost an unvarying rule that anyone driving stupid is on a cell phone. There is a movement to ban it in Illinois and I hope it passes.
>>>>>>>>>Apropos of nothing, over the weekend I had a flashback to a scene involving you. It was at one of the early Whilfests and everyone was congregating in the Hyatt lobby to go to dinner. We were delayed because one of us (don't remember who) was talking to a street person passing through. Pretty wacko. Afterwards you said, "Do not engage them. Disengage! Disengage!" LOL
>>>>>>>>They managed to pass the hand-free cell phone only law here. It takes effect in July I believe. In my opinion it's just another bit of big brother, but at least people's hands will now be free to eat, read, change cds, change clothes and put on makeup while talking on the hands-free phone on the freeway.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
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