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Infragistics AppStylist ISL files (Style Libraries)
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C# 2.0
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2003 Server
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This is an interesting question. To be honest, there are things I like about both. Infragistics has something that Telerik does not though and it may or may not matter to some. Their spell checker is very robust and very easy to use. They also have the tool for designing themes and their winform controls are much more mature (and numerous) than Telerik's (in my very limited and unenlightened opinion). However, Telerik excels with the WPF controls. I was very impressed with those, but they didn't seem quite finished yet. WPF is not mature yet so while I see Infragistics as the better choice personally, in a year or less or more Telerik may be the better option for anyone using WPF. Of course I don't know what Infragistics is working on behind the scenes either.

>Did you prefer Infragistics over Telerik??
>>Hardly ahead, just trying to move at a quicker speed after chugging along at a snails pace for a couple of years. :o) My time on it ranges from 5 minutes a day to 18 hours :o) I recently participated in a evaluation comparison of some third party tools (Telerik and Infragistics being the most prevelent out there). It may be necessary to implement themes or skins and using third party controls may have an impact on that. Infragistics has their own styling tool called AppStylist to use to add themes. You don't need to have any programming language background to use it. I really like it but it gives you the ability to control every single aspect of the appearance in dotnet and very time consuming to do even one theme (to do it right since everything can be modified). I was hoping someone had already done some that they would be willing to share so I could test them for evaluation purposes of using the tool and seeing themes with Infragistic controls (kind of like a starting
>> I wanted to see more business or professional appearance examples (like silver/blue combos) instead of the bright fancy colors most are favoring in the examples I've seen online. ISL files are just XML markup stored in an Infragistics Style Library file.
>>Here's a review:
>>And some trial downloads (for anyone else considering using it):
>>>>No one? :o)
>>>>>Does anyone have any isl files they are willing to share?
>>>I think you are ahead of everybody. Most of us are still working on Hello World window <g>. Seriously though, I wish I even knew what Infragistics AppStylist is.

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