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How to be competitive again in today's job market?
04/01/2008 15:30:53
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How to be competitive again in today's job market?
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(Sorry if it's a bit long)

I'm looking for your advices to get my career back on track. Not that I don't have a job (I have one and I have no plan of going elsewhere for now), but I'm worrying about what will come after this job (almost no job last forever).

To give you a little background on myself, I've been programming since 1990 mostly desktop applications with VFP. Not that I'm totally in love with that tool, but I'm kind of stuck in a vicious circle. I get VFP job propositions because I have a lot of VFP experience and I have a lot of VFP experience because I mainly get VFP job. I would really like to get out of this vicious circle, even more so with the fade-out of VFP in a near future (please do not start a thread war on this).

I have touched a little bit of C++, VB, C# and ASP.NET, but really not enough to pretend being more than a debutant in these tools. I know enough SQL Server to create tables and simples stored proc, but I'm far from being a DBA. I don't know any other tools other than their names and from what I read/hear about them.

My analysis skill is not at the level I would like it to be. I know little UML and I always have a hard time coming up with specifications that won't need constant modifications during the development process because I didn't see the whole picture in the analysis phase. Not to mention that I'm terrible at doing estimates...

I confess that I have been lazy in the past couple of years and didn't try very hard to keep pace of all the technology changes. Now I feel that I'm way behind technology-speaking and since I still have about 25 years of work ahead of me, it's scaring me a bit.

I'm trying to decide on were to put my energy first. Should I try to boost my analysis skills first? If yes, how? I don't see many courses or books that teach you how to do a good and complete analysis. I never worked in a company that believe in the analysis phase more than drawing a rough picture and giving estimates that came out of a hat, so I don't have a model to base myself on.

Should I learn how to develop web applications? I never was attracted to web development and I would rather stay in good old desktop-based forms applications, but the market seems to look a lot for web-development skills.

For the language, C# seem imposing itself to me since I already know the basics and I have some work experience. But I need to know it more before I can have a chance of getting a job in C#.

I don't mind going back to school, but not at full time. A local university offers a program on internet development, but it will take me more than a year to complete part time.

What about aiming for a MSCD title? Will this help?

VS 2008 is coming out soon. Should I wait for it or VS 2005 is good enough?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


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