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What Matters?
21/01/2008 11:51:31
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Hi Mike,

>Not to drift the thread or anything, but -- socialist? Why do you say that? Is anyone who doesn't want to give it all to the rich a socialist?

Well, ok, maybe 'statist' is a better word to use. The problem as I see it Mike is that 'The State' is encroaching into areas that historically have been under the banner, "Personal Responsibility". We give up our freedoms for 'security', which is no such thing. As has been said, if the state can give you something it can also take it away.

Here's an example: In California there is a push to FORCE residents to enable some state beauracracy to lower or raise their thermostats. Ostensibly, that is because of the tremendous problems they have had in recent years with energy issues. It actually sounds to me like the State thinks people are too stupid (won't argue them there much I suppose) but, more importantly, that the State knows better. Arrogance - pure and simple. (Read Thomas Sowell's book, "The Vision of the Annointed") Well, it can also be reasonably demonstrated that those energy 'crisis' came about as a direct result of the vary same state of California imposing such heavy regulatory restrictions on the energy industry as to artificially create the same crisis they now seek to use to control thermostats. Regulatory Rope-A-Dope.

Why don't they get out of the way and let industry build energy plants? France & Japan have a HUGE percent of their source of energy needs met by nuclear power plants - while we run around like a bunch idiots allowing the environmentalists foist yet another stupid policy on us through our spineless elected officials. (that clear enough? LOL)

Oh, and did I mention that in a few years the incandescent lightbulb will be regulated out of existence?

Also, most 'rich' EARN their money. And most 'rich' don't always stay that way. And most rich were once poor. And what's so bad about hard work and being rewarded for that? Are their criminals among 'the rich'? Yes, there are but I'd be willing to wager that there are far more criminals among the poor.

What is it with being so gullible when presented with the class envy argument that makes so many go stupid? That is an EMOTION-BASED argument, not a FACT-BASED argument.

But, we are now, it seems, a society goverened by emotion rather than fact it appears.

>Never mind. You've still got me respondng to easy provocations after all these years <g>.


Hey, one has to get one's pleasures in life where one can.

Do me a favor and look on that caller ID box again and give me a call please. I'd love to talk with you.

But - Back to the original idea of this thread; What matters? I believe it's having something larger than one's self as a goal in life. Personally, it's wrapped up in my faith but I know many good folk who have goals. Like Bill & Melinda Gates - wanting to use their wealth to provide vaccines around the world. Another of one of those greedy rich people, huh... <g>

>>>Oh, I don't think you have to look that far. Hillary Clinton is running for President ! <bg>
>>Ugh.. Better her than Obama. He's way more of a socialist than she is, though that's not saying much.
>>>>Yeah, well, with what is going on over in the middle east these days...
>>>>>Well, good to see you're still around. I was afraid The Rapture may have come and I didn't get the memo <s>
>>>>>>Thanks. Mostly it was to make sure Beane knew I was going to harass him as soon as he got over his 'event'. (You ready to rumble Mike? *bg*)
>>>>>>The other reason I decided to absent myself from the forum for a while is that, like Mike's proclivity for the sauce, I have to make sure I don't get swallowed up in all the fun going on around here. I expect to drop by every so often and toss a thought bomb or two just to get folks arguing over the same old territory one more time - far too easy. (You'd think folks would have figured out how to move some of these discussions forward by now *G*) Imagine, some still do not believe in God (they will some day - I hope not in a bad way) and some still actually belive that being a liberal/socialist is a good thing. Tsk tsk..
>>>>>>How's that? *G*
>>>>>>>>Love God with all of your heart, mind soul & strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.
>>>>>>>Spoken with great wisdom. Nice to see you back, Doug. CIS Foxforum was long ago.
>>>>>>>>>Mike Beane's situation is reason for this post.
>>>>>>>>>It seems getting older, retiring from a job, undergoing a "fractuosity" like a heart attack, cancer, or anything that may take you to the intersection of life and death causes one to ask, "what matters?"
>>>>>>>>>Having been almost killed on numerous occasions, growing older, retiring from one job, etc, I've given it a lot of thought. I have come to the conclusion that family, friends and making things better than they would otherwise be, without you, are the only things that REALLY matter. Everything else is fluff or distraction, it seems.
>>>>>>>>>As I was getting closer to retirement, I asked myself, "did I make a difference?" I think I did, and I continue to do so in my chosen field. It is my passion, so it's easy to do. The next hard question is really the same question for life. I've heard it said that few people will say, on their deathbed, "I wish I had worked more." I've been a work-a-holic all my life, or so I'm told. So, I've been working on spending time with others who matter. It's like I tell my wife, God's not through with me yet!<g>
>>>>>>>>>Mike, this is for you, buddy. What matters in life?


A man is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep for that which he cannot lose.
Everything I don't understand must be easy!
The difficulty of any task is measured by the capacity of the agent performing the work.

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