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False Pretenses
29/01/2008 08:02:19
29/01/2008 07:53:17
Walter Meester
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You honestly believe Americans don't know this? Wake up Walter. You are only rubbing our noses in it. Nothing new there.

>>Typical of you Walter. I didn't write billions anywhere. Once again you attempt to minimize or negate anything positive about the U.S. Once again you refuse to see the forest through the trees. I never claimed the U.S. liberated Netherlands. I write, you read something totally different. Whatever suits your purpose. Your views are extremely jaded Walter and you are very close minded when it comes to the U.S. Very dissappointing.
>My error
>Anyways, it always comes down to that the US is the great good guy. FWIW, millions of people died in WWII. The Americans did not experience the massive devestation at home as we did. The motives for the US american to help us out was not all about charity. It mainly was a business decision (Remember they stayed neutral until they HAD to get involved. And you cannot sell anything to countries without money). The US needs the outside world just as much as we do: to drive the business.
>As far as close minded goes. I think I'm closer to reality than most americans. What goes on today in american politics is extremely dirty. It is all about different hidden agenda's. Mostly related to: controlling the oil market. Controlling the 'reserve currency' the dollar (Read protecting the internal economy). Every dirty trick (Lies about WMD, Saddam, Iran) is allowed for that goal to trigger actions (War on iraw, war on terror) that would ensure the goal is met. Sure this is not your current administration only, it has been going on for quite some time, only GWB (and his administration) has made an art out of it. Anyways the administration has two different faces. One that controls the hidden agendas, second to wrap a nice paper different, easy to sell arugments arround it and present it to the citizens as something totally different. We know from a few dutch politicians how dirty american politics can be. If they want you out, they will search for each and every detail in your
>carrier (e.g. Gay, sexual offences, demonstrating against the war in vietnam) to find something to get rid of you. The personal MUD throwing is unbelievable to dutch standards. This is not common up here. Is this how we measure civilisation ?
>And don't get me wrong on the joe average american. My experience is that they are extremely friendly. In fact I like the american society a lot.
>Back to the original topic..
>Essentially your country is already bankrupt, if not only for the fact that you have the dollar. Since the dollar is the reserve currency and all countries need to buy (reserve) dollars to purchase goods like oil. It gives you the opportunity to do what no other country in the world can. Just print new dollars without having a significant effect on inflation.
>But if the oil producing countries get enough off the devaluating US dollar and switch to the euro (Iraq did before the invasion and was punnished for it), the whole US is going to be thrown back in the 1930's because no-one wants dollars anymore. The problem with that is that it would create a world wide depression (and that is the main reason most oil producing countries are not willing to risk that) and a new world wide financial order has to be created.
>Today, GWB calls for confidence in the american economy. It would not have been that concerning if he did not urge to start money eating wars, but did more to keep money in stead of flying out.
>>>We already did and are doing by helping the US out in every war they start.
>>>>If Netherlands would give back the billion dollars they received from the U.S. in the Marshall Plan, it would be a start.
>>>1.2 billion, still significant and it helped us out, but not billions.
>>>>Or perhaps the U.S. could charge Netherlands for the action our troops saw there during WWII which according to your previous posts was so minimal as to be non-existant.
>>>The US did not liberate the Netherlands. Canada did. And perhaps the US could pay us now since the NATO has almost begged the Dutch government to stay in uruzgan.
>>>But to concentrate on the problem. Its about poor economy of the US and the problems on the financial markets. To diverse attention to refer to military actions in WWII is a bit too farfetched to me.
>>>>>>If you think the valuation of the dollar has anything to do with whether or not people feel warm and fuzzy about George Bush you really don't understand how things work. European bankers have a long history of being willing to profit from the devil himself if it made a franc, a mark or a kroner.
>>>>>GWB has a lot to do with the value of the dollar. Your economy is on the edge of collapsing on the tremendous weight of the death you're in. The thing is that you're not able to see it yet. I agree with tore that what we see here (devaluation of the dollar, the house market, the financial branch on the whole, the consequences of the war against terror etc) normally does not reach the mere american.
>>>>>Americans are always hopefull and enthousiastic. Thats one thing I admire. We europeans are much more negative (Consequences of the many european wars and two world wars). However americans are also the neglecting realitiy in some respects. It is time for change. We are longing for an american president that is able to get the economy back to the years of bill clinton. If not, the US will lose its position to a new rising power: whether thats in europe or Asia.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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