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Next in line for the firing squad...
06/02/2008 16:38:16
Dragan Nedeljkovich (En ligne)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
06/02/2008 15:11:18
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>I read an interesting book last year. Written by a couple good ole boys from down in the southeastern u.s. who also happened to be hardcore democrats. The book was a discussion of how dems should conduct their political races to fight repubs.
>The chapter on "values" was interesting. It discussed how repubs are so bad on real values like taking care of the poor, healthcare, etc. So they redefined "values" to mean gay marriage and abortion. And once they had suceeded in that redefinition, dems were constantly on the defensive whenever it came to a values discussion.
>I got some email today from a democratic organization. It has a paragraph where the chairman of the repub party is talking about redifining somethings today to put Hillary/Obama on the defensive.

Basically the same spinmeisters who invented political teflon (i.e. nothing sticks on our guy), starting from Reagan on. It doesn't matter how bad it is, how horribly we screwed, as long as we can spin it to our advantage. We screw up Katrina, people die like flies, what do we do? First, control the TV and don't let them show the floaters, second, spin it as "let's quit the blame game and see what can be done". It doesn't matter that it was their job to "see what can be done" from day one, and that they neither saw nor did, and it doesn't matter that they were caught unawares or redhanded a number of times - whoever catches them is accused of doing that for petty political gains. Which pretty much is the desired removal of accountability they always wanted. We can do whatever we want, and if anyone calls us on it, we'll slam them as biased, small-time whiners who only do that because they can't be as good as we are, and tell them to get over it and get a life.

Good at what... spin?

>But the book also had some other interesting chapters. It showed the hard facts of what happens during repub presidencies. How money for roads in rural districts practically disappeared during the last 20 yrs or so when a repub was in power.
>It will be interesting to see if people actually vote with their pocketbooks this time around. People lost alot during the last 8 yrs. But they were taught be be afraid of terrorists, afraid of gays, etc. And that dems were good friends of terrorists. So it scared people to vote repub. Lets see if that still works.

Did I mention sheep and walking back into the pen of their own free will? In some other thread today?

Never mind, the question was rhetorical.

back to same old

the first online autobiography, unfinished by design
What, me reckless? I'm full of recks!
Balkans, eh? Count them.

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