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To whom it may concern
08/02/2008 13:41:25
08/02/2008 09:47:59
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>>Hi everybody,
>>I've been thinking a lot about the same topic for the last year.
>>I believe that being twitted and knowing about it is one of the most humiliating and torturing experience the person can be put through.
>>Most of you woulld disagree with me, would think, it's not something to be concerned about or worried, since you can not change the way the other people see you, even if you try very hard.
>>Anyway, here is what I'm proposing and hopefully this proposition can be accepted.
>>1. I would not try to contact the person(s) who twitted me in any way unless
>> a) The person asked a question I think I know the answer
>> b) The person tried to communicate with me first
>> c) Emergency cases
>>2. In return these person(s) remove me from their twit filter and let me know about it by any means (directly or indirectly).
>>I don't want a long discussion about it. Just one answer from someone (Greg?) would be enough.
>Being on a twit filter does not mean that somebody is a twit.
>There are other reasons one can end up on a twit filter, like
>(1) you are bored reading that person's answers
>(2) they always ask stupid questions
>(3) they give stupid answers
>(4) they give answers you do not like
>(5) ...
>All of the above do not necessarily mean that the person is a twit (it may be possible though), but that some basic chemistry is missing. Everyone knows people he/she does not like. That does not mean these are bad/stupid, .... It's just not clicking. Avoiding those persons a solution.
>Perhaps we should do
>rename 'twit filter' to 'people filter'
>because that is all it is
>There are people on the UT I would/could have a beer with, whilst there are others I would avoid for the beer. It's just that. Nothing more, nothing less. Everyone has the right to refuse the beer
>I may be on a 'people filter' and frankly I do not care. Neither should you since it is not humiliating at all.
>Not being liked by everybody is not humiliating either, since that is close to impossible. Do not try to 'reverse' the 'not being liked' since it will make matters worse
>So, do you see any problem being filtered ? I do not, and neither do you

I don't think I'll ever understand how people can get so upset about such insignificant things. It's been known as a 'twit filter' for more years than I can recall - long before the UT was even just an idea in Michel's head.

With all the important things in this world to worry about, how does something as trivial as this even make it onto anyone's radar?

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