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Breve, 3D simlulation environment for artificial life
09/02/2008 18:48:18
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Breve, 3D simlulation environment for artificial life
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Hey, I found something awesome to play with:

"breve: a 3d Simulation Environment for
Multi-Agent Simulations and Artificial Life"


Here's one of the samples. I'm running it in their IDE now.

I'm going to figure out how this stuff works.
# Gatherers -- a decentralized food gathering simulation
# jon klein <jk@spiderland.org>
# This demo simulates a 3D decentralized food gathering algorithm.  The
# critters in the simulation move around randomly with two simple rules:
# if they run into food and they're not carrying any, pick it up; if 
# they run into food and they are already carrying some, drop the piece 
# they're carrying.
# After a short while all the food in the world has been organized into 
# a large piles.  Left to run long enough, all of the food will end up in 
# the same pile, though this takes quite some time.
# Though the process might be slow, the interesting feature of the simulation
# is that the food can be gathered without any communication between the 
# agents.

@include "Mobile.tz"
@include "Wanderer.tz"
@include "Control.tz"

@define COLLECTOR_COUNT		50.
@define FOOD_COUNT			400.

@define WANDER_RANGE		(20, 20, 20).

Controller Gatherers.

Control : Gatherers {
	# The control object sets up the simulation.  The "init"
	# method is called automatically when the object is 
	# created.  

	+ variables: 
		foodList (list).
		collectorShape, foodShape (Shape object).
	+ to init:
		collectorShape = (new Sphere) init-with radius 1.
		foodShape = (new Sphere) init-with radius .5.

		COLLECTOR_COUNT new Collectors.
		foodList = FOOD_COUNT new Foods.
		foodList set-bitmap to 2.

		# this sim can run a bit slowly, but doesn't need a lot of 
		# accuracy, so we can set up the integration step a bit.

		self set-integration-step to 0.05.

		self add-menu named "Randomize Food" for-method "randomize-food".

		self point-camera at (0, 0, 0) from (0, 0, -80).

	+ to randomize-food:
		# randomize the location of all of the elements in foodList.

		foodList randomize-location.

	+ to get-collector-shape:
		return collectorShape.

	+ to get-food-shape:
		return foodShape.

Wanderer : Collector (aka Collectors) {
	# In this simulation we make use of the Wanderer class: we want some
	# arbitrary motion within a certain range, but aren't so picky about
	# the specifics.  The built-in Wanderer class takes care of this.

	+ variables:
		carrying (object).
		justCollided (int).

	+ to init:
		# 1) register it in the world 
		# 2) tell the engine to call its iteration function automatically
		# 3) set it's color (using a method in the Mobile object)
		# 4) set the wander range (using a method in Wanderer object)
		# 5) set up a collision handler

		self set-shape to (controller get-collector-shape).
		self set-color to (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).

		# to change to a 3D world, change the (20, 20, 0) below 
		# to (20, 20, 20)... a similar change is required in the 
		# Food object

		self set-wander-range to WANDER_RANGE.
		self randomize-location.
		self handle-collisions with-type "Food" with-method "collide".

	+ to collide with food (object):
		newLoc (vector).

		# if the food we hit is being dragged by another collector, let it go

		if ( food get-owner ): return.

		# if we have collided too recently, skip this collision, we don't 
		# want to pick things up and then drop them immediately.

		if (justCollided > 0): {
			justCollided = 2.

		justCollided = 2.

		# if we're carrying food, drop it

		if carrying: {
			# this line was added to attempt to favor dropping food in 
			# piles close to the center.  the further we get from the 
			# center, the lower the chance that this statement will be 
			# true.

			newLoc = (food get-location).
			newLoc += random[(2, 2, 2)] - (1, 1, 1).
			carrying move to newLoc.
			carrying set-owner to 0.
			carrying = 0.

		# otherwise, pick up the food.

		food set-owner to self.

		carrying = food.

	+ to iterate:
		# if we're carrying something, keep it near us

		if carrying: carrying move to (self get-location) - (1, 0, 0).

		justCollided -= 1.

		# since we've subclassed Wanderer, it is in charge of our motion,
		# so we'll ask it to run it's own iteration method.

		super iterate.

Mobile : Food (aka Foods) {
	+ variables: 
		owner (object).

	+ to init:
		self set-shape to (controller get-food-shape).
		self set-color to (.8, .2, .2).
		self randomize-location.

	+ to randomize-location:
		self move to random[2 * WANDER_RANGE] - WANDER_RANGE.

	+ to set-owner to o (object):
		owner = o.

	+ to get-owner:
		return owner.

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