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To whom it may concern
10/02/2008 10:10:23
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>Hi Kevin,
>I've read most of the replies in the thread, I do agree with most of the people and especially with Kristyne and Alan.
>About giving this matter more than 2 seconds thought - imagine yourself accidentally discovering that John Baird twitted you or Bonnie or Tracy and never figuring out why - then you probably can for a moment be in my shoes.


"accidentally" find out that someone has twitted me?... I am sure that I am on some lists (twit filters) but I will never "accidentally" find out. For example, if I send someone a message and I don't hear from then I do not automatically conclude that I must be in their twit list. I don't even think about it. I bet KevinG would handle it the same way.

Imagine if people who may have sent me or Alan Popow messages while were were laid-up for a long time concluded that each of us must have them on out twit lists!

>Anyway, the intent of my original post was to pass a message to this person that I NEVER EVER would try to contact him/her in any way unless contacted first.
>I DO really want to communicate with this person, want to be friendly again.
>I want it more than anything else in the world, or so it often seems to me.

Naomi, For a long while you suffered the "indignity" of having face-to-face co-worker "twit" you and as best I could gather it was entirely YOUR fault. I put indignity in quotes because a ral-life face-to-face situation is much tougher than some electronic twitting.
As far as I know you never got to re-establish any kind of rapport with that person. You wanted that more than anything too, and you didn't get it.

You really really NEED to look hrd at yourself. You can push people over the edge and don't even seem to realize it. But surely your record by now tells you that YOU need to change your ways OR IGNORE BEING TWITTED.

I feel very sorry for you. You have proven - should even be true to yourself - that you easily alienate some people. Either live with that and its consequences or change. Unfortunately, for those who have twitted you, they cannot learn that you changed (if you do). That's the way life works.

>But just as I said - I'm not going to try to contact this person anymore and I'm not going to publically cry about it. That's just it.
>>Naomi, it's high time someone said this to you.
>>If there were an award for behaving like the biggest cry-baby on the planet, you'd be in the running.
>>In the world today...somebody lost a friend, somebody died, someone left someone for someone else, kids went without eating, someone took his own life....and you think that being twitted is humiliating and torturing.
>>A few months ago, I had some sympathy for you - but based on this, and also based on other factors, the sympathy bottle is empty. I'd be stunned if you could go a full month without this constant belly-aching.
>>If someone twitted me (and I'm sure someone has), I'd laugh like hell. I wouldn't give a flying fornication in space if someone twitted me.
>>You seriously need to harden up....and you also need to quit listening to Peter....IT IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.

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