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Why design patterns are easier in dynamic languages
10/02/2008 15:00:06
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
10/02/2008 14:35:15
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Visual FoxPro
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><s> One of the things I've come to love in VFE is having remote views with dynamic params on the foxpro side. I can have 12 params on a view in VFP, give them all to the user and only include the ones the user chooses to set as part of the SQL statement that goes to the backend. And of course since I also have metadata and classes with hooks on those params I can massage how each is used before it even becomes part of the statement created by the parser. This is very different even than what SQL considers 'dynamic views' on the back end.

Last time I got involved into this sort of religion, "dynamic views" was anything you put together and threw at the server, ie. any SQL statement that wasn't stored there.

And yes, I've done my SPT objects as well, with a .ParamSet(tcParam, tuValue) which would add or find the item in .params collection and set its value, and then in the .requery() it would set each of them as a private variable. Didn't go so far as to create a textmerged SQL statement there - but did elsewhere. For some reason, I concluded that it works fine as it does, and didn't take that extra step at the class level, but rather sporadically.

>Strataframe uses business objects which persist dataretrieval SELECT statements, of course, so that is theoretically possible there as well, but there is a ways to go before it has anything near this capability. But the first step is an awareness that it *can* be done and that it *should* be done.

And most of the people who'd benefit from it are exactly those who don't think about it, because they don't see it as a possibility, don't expect a solution in that direction, and so don't even try - they go for ways which give them hope here and now ;).

>Most VFP developers don't actually seem to expect the kind of power and flexibility VFP is capable of. I think a lot of folks don't even know what a sophisticated framework does ( I know I certainly wouldn't have if I hadn't had the good sense to seek out people who knew how to build one )

I've seen my share of somewhat seasoned Foxers who were still amazed seeing what Fox can do, that they didn't know of.

back to same old

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