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Query help needed
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Databases,Tables, Views, Indexing and SQL syntax
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>>>>>>>>>ADS has a Time datatype, which is internally stored as the number of milliseconds since midnight in a 4-byte integer.
>>>>>>>>OK the same query, but you should find the right functions for converting:
>>>>>>>>SELECT YourTable.*;
>>>>>>>>       FROM YourTable;
>>>>>>>>INNER JOIN (SELECT Sh, MAX(ConvertDateToISO(DateSaved)+' '+ConvertTimeToString(TimeSaved)) AS DateTimeSaved;
>>>>>>>>                   FROM YourTable;
>>>>>>>>            GROUP BY Sh) Tbl1;
>>>>>>>>ON YourTable.Sh = Tbl1.Sh AND;
>>>>>>>>   ConvertDateToISO(YourTable.DateSaved)+' '+ConvertTimeToString(YourTable.TimeSaved) = Tbl1.DateTimeSaved
>>>>>>>>Where ConvertDateToISO() should convert your Date to string with folwong format "YYYYMMDD" and
>>>>>>>> ConvertTimeToString() should convert Time to string no matter what format it is, just make sure that 12:01 PM is bigger than 12:01 AM it could be:
>>>>>>>>"18:20", "1820", "66000" (that is 18*3600 + 20*60)
>>>>>>>Hi Borislav,
>>>>>>>Please check my suggestion. It may be slower, but no conversions are needed. First we filter the maximum date, then the maximum time for that date.
>>>>>>I currently have this statement
>>>>>>select  TOP 1 *
>>>>>>from CardDetail
>>>>>>WHERE CardSN = 4162078351
>>>>>>order by DateSaved DESC , TimeSaved DESC
>>>>>>This statement is what I need but that is only for one CardSn, I need it for all CardSn in the table
>>>>>Try Naomi's suggestion, it should work w/o any conversion. I just didn't read it right.
>>>>>That should give you want you want. Max record based on both date and time fields.
>>>>>Just hope ADS support such queries.
>>>>It does not appear that ADS supports this query.
>>>>I am thinking about reading the ADS table into .NET and doing the processing in .NET instead.
>>>Then ADS didn't support derived tables. If so my query wouldn't work as well.
>>I would have to write my own date-to-string and time-to-string conversion, and you are right it would not have been guaranteed to work either.
>You could import that table in SQL Server and then use the query. I think that would be easier from do something in NET or VFP or...

Yeah that thought struck me too. I am not going to have time to work on this issue until tomorrow so I'll sleep on it one more night to see if it gets any better :)
Semper ubi sub ubi.

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