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29/02/2008 16:40:03
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>Why would you waste your money on this? Have you thought it through?
>Yes, I have.

Well, here's my take on this:

1. You engage the PI firm to find the e-mailer.

1.1. They don't find him/her. But, you don't spend any money - no find, no pay. All you've wasted is your time.

1.2. They "find" someone (the "Found Person", "FP"). You pay $200.

1.2.1 They found the real e-mailer
1.2.2 They thought they found the real e-mailer, but they were wrong
1.2.3 They gave you a random name because they want your $200.

1.2.x.1 You privately tell FP to 'fess up publicly or you'll out them.
1.2.x.1.1 FP does not reply. Probability: very high (we are talking about an Anonymous Coward)
1.2.x.1.2 FP replies saying "I have no idea what you're talking about. However, if you libel me I'll sue you" Probability: unknown, but could be fairly high if you have the wrong person
1.2.x.1.3 FP posts a tearful, heartfelt apology right here on the UT. Congratulations, you win. Probability: ( boo-all ) ^ 0.5

At this point you need to assess the evidence presented by the PI firm, whether it will stand up in court in a libel case. Will a $200 Web search stand up? No. In fact, you should have assessed the evidence even before contacting FP in the first place.

Suppose you believe the evidence you have, and you "name and shame" FP. If you've got the wrong person, holy cow, you're in deep trouble. Public embarrassment here on the UT, getting banned from the UT, lawsuit, letters written to your employer(s)/clients(s) ...

Here's something else to think about: even if FP actually is the e-mailer, s/he could still deny it, demand an apology here from you and any or all of the consequences listed above could still apply. In a libel case the onus is on you to prove your claims.

Bottom line: you need to be either very sure of your $200 evidence, or very dumb, before doing a name&shame.

>Let me ask you an honest question - how do you feel about individuals who send emails/letters to other employers?

What I feel is irrelevant. FWIW I can envisage some rare circumstances where I would do it.

Kevin, you're not even a direct party to the e-mail in question. Your heart seems to be in the right place, but IMO you're taking a considerable risk by escalating this issue.
Regards. Al

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