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Bush reaffirms commitment to torture
08/03/2008 12:55:44
08/03/2008 11:19:18
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>>>>And we wonder why so many people hate us.
>>>The real issue here is only the fact that we in North America have a free press so the people of the world get to read about our system and methods. And so I ask this question. Would you rather be interrogated by the USA or Saudi Arabia?
>>That's off point, unless you are saying whatever the U.S. does is OK as long as some other country is doing worse things. I am sure you would not try to make that case.
>>The statement that only we in North America have a free press is equally dubious. You must be waking up slowly today ;-)
>>UPDATE: Rereading, I see you didn't say that about a free press. My mistake. Maybe I am the one waking up slowly ;-)
>What I am saying is, no matter what country, it is the value of the information that determines the pressure upon the source. Water boarding does not kill people. It just feels that way to the recipient. In the middle east one of the minor methods is the beat the soles of the feet until your feet are shredded or you admit the guilt they tell you to admit. Water boarding or never walking again? Which one do you want?

I answer your last question first. By my country I want *no* torture REGARDLESS of what others may do. Our objective must never be to be one notch above the lowest or one notch below the best in the case of human rights.

You say "...it is the value of the information that determines the pressure upon the source.". That pre-supposes that the information is largely 'known' in the first place, else how would one know the VALUE of the information?
The U.S. administration has repeatedly used the "ticking time bomb" analogy to justify torture. By that they mean to portray that they know a bomb has been planted somewhere and they are sure they have the (or a) person who knows exactly where it is and when it is to go off. They are prepared to do anything to get that information.
The trouble is, when was the last time that happened outside of the movies?
*IF* it does happen some day then I'd bet that the people in posession of the knowledgeable person would go ahead and do whatever they felt needed to get the details and that they'd later be exonerated in any court.

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