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Obama Speech
19/03/2008 11:05:18
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>But Obama has steadfastly avoided talking about race. He was forced into this speech by the remarks from Geraldine Ferraro and all the hoo-ha about things his pastor has said. The not-so-subtle hand of the Clintons is clearly behind both of those "issues." Their negative politics are working so we should expect more of it. From listening to Obama for a while now I know he wants to keep race out of the campaign as much as possible. Unfortunately his hand was forced. And he observed enough of the 2004 race that he isn't going to let himself be Swift-boated by a bogus issue.
>Yes, race is still a factor in American life. But it is wrong to say Obama is the one bringing it up for his own purposes. He has tried to take the high road. No chance of meeting the Clintons there, of course. (The latest: statements by Hillary and her chief strategist and kneecapper, Harold Ickes, saying the delegates pledged to Obama from the states he has won aren't really pledged and can change their minds. The Clintons will truly stop at nothing).

But don't miss the complete gist of Morris's article. Yes, Wright's rants don't indicate Obama is a proponent of Black Liberation Theology. (I don't imagine many members of social and educational class are.) But they do mean that Obama is a politician, willing to cut corners and dissemble on matters of principle to get ahead. Now that may be the sine qua non of political life, but it also should put Obama into perspective for all the dewy-eyed who want him to be a savior instead of a candidate.

His credentials are weak. His potential may be great, but it is a crap shoot. I think if he were elected his ardent supporters would be more disappointed in his performance than his currently most ardent critics.

I believe many have been seduced by form over substance, but I also think that in this case it may lucky that at least the individual in question might rise to the challenge. I am disturbed by his apparent naiveté about national security, but encouraged by the idea that - HE IS A POLITICIAN and in office he might actually be smart enough to change his mind when confronted with information, reality, and responsibility.

>>For a time I thought I could support Obama. Early on it seemed that maybe he was the next JFK; an idealist with a fresh perspective.
>>But, here we go again, the injection of race into the process.
>>I am sick and tired of race being an issue as if we hadn't grown since the 1960's. Obama attends church for decades with a firebrand preacher who talks as if it's 1963 and Mississippi. He claims that the sermons never bothered or impacted him. I call BS on that.
>>I repeat: I am sick of hearing about race. And gender. The media orgasmed when Pelosi became first woman Speaker and, to a lesser degree, when Rice became Secretary of State. Why?? Why do they constantly point out the things were not supposed to pay attention to anymore?
>>I want a candidate who's American. I don't want to hear black and white or male and female. Obama has slid into the trap the media sets with compartmentalizing based on color or gender. Whoops.
>>Guess I'm voting for McCain. Or the Libertarian.
>>>Well worth the read:

Charles Hankey

Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.
- Thomas Hardy

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

-- T. S. Eliot
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
- Ben Franklin

Pardon him, Theodotus. He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.

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