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Microsoft SQL Server
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SQL Server:
SQL Server 2000
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Finnally i was able to run the SP from SQL query analizer and gave me the error, IT was collation problem.

the thing was that i was creating the script for modifying a table, so when i was creating the script on my computer it was created as spanish collation, and the server has latin collation, so when making the join between the modified table and the other. there was the issue

thks for the help

>>I am running on troubles with a report I am working on.
>>The report is Crystal 8 uses a Stored Procedure on MSSQL 2000. I made it work smoothly on my computer but gives me error when running on the server.
>>let me give you all the context
>>1. The MSSQL server is installed on my computer
>>2. The version is developer edition, no SP
>>3. Accesing the Data through ODBC
>>4. There is a .rpt file
>>5. There is a SP on the MSSQL server database
>>6. The .rpt uses the SP as datasource
>>I modified the report, the sp and ran the report with out a problem.
>>now here is the deal: when I change the ODBC connection to point to other MSSQL server it give me an error, something like "database detected DLL"
>What is the error? When you get that when you try to connect or when you execute SP?

>>I put the ODBC back to my (local) SQL server and it is fine. I even put all the system back to original. it works on my computer, but not when i point to the other sql server.
>>now, i really don't have a clue why is this happening, i do think that there is a problem with the SQL server becauIse, the system is a commercial app working in several companies, and the original report should work. but none of the installed clients here work.
>>i went to several computers that have the original installation and it doesn't work. but when using my (local) server as data source it works like a charm.
>>there are several differences between the local server and the real one, but i don't really think most of them matter. anyway these are some diferences
>>1. version local is developers no SP, real one is enterprise SP4
>Not an issue
>>2. hardware diference
>Not an issue
>>3. server collation (i think this might be) local is Modern_Spanish, the real one is SQL_Latin1_General.
>This could be an issue but only when compare strings with different collations
>So if you get that error during connection maybe other server is not configured to receive connections as local one.
>Check what protocols are enabled for your local server and what for other one.
>Start > Run > Type "cliconfg" that way you will get what protocols are enabled for SQL connection on your local machine.
>Then check the server: run Svrnetcn.exe file that is in the SQL Server Tools\Binn folder

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