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Newt Gingrich : Answering the Obama Challenge
03/04/2008 15:15:26
03/04/2008 12:52:06
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>>>Do you code your program half way and expect it to work?
>>>Yes, I do. The analogy isn't exact, but I code until I find a satisfactory solution to the problem. I release the product and work on optimizing the solution in future releases. To make the client wait until I have a fully optimized solution does a dis-service to both parties.
>>You just make my point.
>>The point is you don't leave it broke. You have to be commited to making it work by applying logic and technology that WORKS... not just throw more money at it over again and again for thirty years.
>Go back and re-read what I said. I don't leave it "broke." I bring it to the point where it works well-enough and then I "leave well-enough alone."

Whatever they're doing to help the inner cities, it ain't work'n. They just keep doing the same thing over and over again. It's been broke for decades. When are the going to do something that really works?

>>BTW; Why is it a dis-service? What's wrong with expecting things to work when it's delivered?
>Because there's no point in spending extra money (usually significant amounts of money) to get a "perfect" solution when the current one is "good enough."

>Again, the analogies are not exact but I would never approach a system (even a non-working one) with the idea that it needs to be scratched and completely restarted. A VFP to .NET conversion does not start with completely discarding everything in the VFP application.

You're danc'n Rich.

I know one thing I'll never buy your half baked software.
I'm looking for a dental office software. Actualy, I'm designing and coding my own.

>To bring it back to the subject at hand (bipartisianship).....
>The problem with politicians on both sides of the aisle is that they cannot (or will not, which is even worse) recognize that there just might possibly, even if only by accident, maybe be a small morsel of good in the proposals made by the other side. The attitude is "Your stuff doesn't work we have to try mine" is a guarantee to provoke the kind of opposition that ensures that nothing of consequence happens. They just can't bring themselves to "Let's work together to make it better."
>The zealots on both sides have taken control. Look at the arguments here. "Bush did this???? Yeah???? Well Clinton did that!!!!!" "Clinton did what????? Look at what Bush is doing!!!!!!!" It's funny when Hammie and Zoe are doing it in "Baby Blues." It's not funny when my own children did the same sort of thing when they were 6 and 7 years old. It's alarming when exceedingly intelligent people in online discussion forums are reduced to these kinds of arguements. But it's tragic to see the leaders of our country taking the same sort of positions.

Tell use something we don;t know.
Work as if you don't need money
Love as if you've never been hurt before
Live as if this is your last day to live
Dance as if no one's watching

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