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Deploying Web Service
08/04/2008 09:22:05
Timothy Bryan
Sharpline Consultants
Conroe, Texas, United States
08/04/2008 06:28:47
Ian Hammond
Greenfield Software Ltd
St. Neots, United Kingdom
General information
The Mere Mortals .NET Framework
Environment versions
C# 2.0
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2003 Server
Visual FoxPro
Thread ID:
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Hi Ian,

>I am trying to deploy a web service and I seem to be stuck in a rut. I am getting various issues as described below:
>I am creating the deployment package using the inbuilt Windows Installer in VS2005.
>The dependencies in my msi project did not inclued MM Framework Automation 2005.dll and
>MM Framework Web Forms 2005.dll. When I attempted to run the application after deployment I received a configuration error in the web.config file that it could not load MM Web Forms 2005 Version = Fair enough this file had been put into the config file by default. I included this file into the msi project and in picked up the Automation dll, EnvDte.dll and VSLagProj.dll. When this was built I recieved the warnings stating
>Unable to find depency ENVDTE (Signature 'B03F...........A3A' version = of assmebly VSLangProj.dll and similar message for MM Framework Automation 2005.dll.
>Is this file part of the install set for Merr Mortals?

The EnvDTE is part of VS and may be used in the Framework Automation .dll. I can't imagine why you would need the MM Framework Automation 2005.dll in your project but anything you have added as a reference will be looked for when you attempt to run it as well as any dependencies that it needs.

>I tried removing the Web Forms assembly from the msi project, but when the web service is run I get an error in the App.cs file stating that it can't find the namespace myAppWeb.

You may need the Web Forms reference in your project, I am not sure but it isn't going to hurt to include it.
>Do you need the MM Framework Automation and MM Framework Web Forms for a web service, there are no UI defined? To test this theory I tried to create a new web service project, but I now get the error "Template attempted to load ab untrusted component "Mere Mortals Framework Wizard 2005, Version etc." See documentation Customising Project Templates.

As stated above, I doubt you need the Automation dll in your project. I would first check the references for each project and remove what you suspect you don't need. Also check your Using statements to see what you have added. Then when you attempt to build you will be pointed to the code that needs a references and you can either modify the code or add the reference and using statements that you need.

>Perservering with the origianl msi project, I created a deployment file that reported the warnings for EnvDTE and including the Automation and Web Forms assmeblies and tried this to see what result I obtained: This time I received an error in my Global.asax file:
>line 5 public static AppWeb App;
>The type or namespace 'AppWeb' copuld not be found etc.
>Could anyone suggest a reason why this error should occur?

I would just break this down from the beginning as I suggested. I would remove any using statements and references that you do not think you need and then add back as you find what is actually needed.

>This is my first experience at creating and deploying a web service, so any suggestions to any of the points above would be much appreciated, many thanks in advance.

I hope this helps
Timothy Bryan

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