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MM and Crystal Reports, anyone doing this?
General information
The Mere Mortals .NET Framework
Environment versions
VB 8.0
Windows XP
MS SQL Server
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You can create a business object (or use an existing one if appropriate) and add a method that calls your sproc and return a DataTable. Add the DataTable to a DataSet. Use DataSet.WriteXmlSchema() to create an .xsd file. Then in CR create a ADO.Net connection to the .xsd file in your report to access in design time.

ds.WriteXmlSchema(Server.MapPath("~/") + fileName + ".xsd");

>If you are using stored procedures to create temp tables then you have all the logic you need to just return the result set out of the stored procedure. What I mean by this is create your temp table in the SP and designate it as a ## table (e.g. ##temp) and then the last statment in your SP would be "select * from ##temp".
>Then you can use CR and use the SP as the source of your data. If you have just one SP creating all your temp tables, then you could break this up into multiple SP's and have each SP return the result set that would have originally been your temp table.
>As a side note, I have always preferred using stored procedures as my source of data for all reporting needs. I find I can do more with SP's as well as makes the report itself simpler as you do not have to add all the table and joins needed for the report into the report itself.
>>I've been doing a lot of Crystal Reports with a VB.NET 2005 MM application, but my IS SQL Server people don't like what I do.
>>I've been dropping and then creating tables in my database using stored procedures, then having CR report on the temp table. They say this is not good for the database and I should use a different method. This nice thing about this is that I can design the report on the temp table.
>>I've been trying to find another method that I can use but it seems that I'm stuck with a problem. I can get CR to report on a dataset, but I can't get to design the report on that dataset since it doesn't exist yet.
>>I've tried using a recordset schema, but that only produces another dataset that I can't use to design a report on since I have lots of parameters I have to plug into the stored procedures that I have created, lots of them.
>>I'm confused about this one and need a way to not only create a report, but also have something CR can report on.
>>Any ideas?

E.R. Gilmore

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