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Did our govt commit warcrimes?
09/04/2008 12:27:41
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Were you ever able to decide which policy(s) of his you agreed with? I'm still curious which specific policy or policies you agree with. I remember asking you previously:

Thread #1285952 Message #1286220

You don't have to share, I just thought you would because you haven't been hesitant to share your support of him so far.

>Could be projection, I don't know.
>I wasn't suggesting you were being unfair. Sorry for the misimpression.
>I think we are using the word charisma in different ways. You seem to view it as something superficial and relatively unimportant. What I mean is a quality that people respond to because they feel the person has great potential.
>>I think you are projecting your opinions onto them Mike. Teenagers are very good at articulating their feelings. We had a special here locally that covered the question/answer phase. To be fair, in other 'town-hall' type sessions, the answers were similar from adults. According to those town-hall sessions, it doesn't seem like the majority of voters care as much about specifics this election - I've watched some of them from other states as well.
>>I agree he has charisma. However, charisma doesn't make a president great. His policies and his ability to work with foreign leaders and develop a sound foreign policy should be the primary reason for electing him, not his race or his charisma. To be fair, I don't know why you are suggesting I am not being fair. I am only reporting what I saw as did my daughter. I have researched his policies on multiple official websites for him and I like about 75% of what I read. I still have not made a commitment any of the top 3 candidates.
>>>Just because they didn't articulate their feelings well doesn't mean Obama appeals to them only for flimsy reasons. I think what he really has is something that's hard to define: charisma. With charismatic people you get the feeling they are outside the norm and are really going to make a difference. Not the same old same old. Sure, wanting to see a black president is fine, but I don't think that's all there is to it. He has not been running as a "black candidate," although of course it's hard to avoid the subject with race being as volatile as it is in this country.
>>>>My daughter went to a rally for teens over the weekend. (There are a LOT of teens who will be 18 come election time here) A survey was done of those present, and in every case, they were voting for Obama only because he is black. They think it is time we had a black president and they don't dislike anything he says in his speeches. When they were questioned to name a specific they like about his speeches, everyone said 'change.' When they were questioned as to which change they wanted, they couldn't list one. To them, any change was good. They think McCain is too old to be president. If it were McCain and Hillary, they will vote for Hillary so we have our first female president. Interesting that it is a complete turn around. I hope he turns out to be good for this country in more ways than just being the first black president since he is bound to win unless the entire senior population gets out to vote.
>>>>>>>>Re equal justice, I was a bit disheartened by a news story on cnn.com this morning saying 76% of Americans think we are ready for a black president. This was spun as a good news story -- look how far we've come! Maybe it does represent some progress but I don't think it's such good news when you look at it the other way around. It means 24% think we aren't ready.
>>>>>>>I'd love to see those figures broken down by age. Betcha there'd be a correlation.
>>>>>>Probably so. Unfortunately, probably an inverse correlation to likelihood of voting. Obama has reportedly pulled a lot of people into the voting process but I'm sure the overall voting population still skews older.
>>>>>BTW, big news around here is that my county and the next one over have both become Democratic majority counties, due to the new registrations for this election. In my county, it's been over 100 years since the Dems had a majority. The next county (Bucks) had a Dem majority briefly in the 70's, but has been ruled with an iron fist by the Republicans ever since.
>>>>>It'll be interesting to see what happens after the primary.

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