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Maya Angelou For Hillary Clinton
28/04/2008 20:29:46
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I thought so too until my daughter attended a ralley and her friends were discussing it. The majority were most hip to a black president - voting for him because he is black - and the whole speech on CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE goes over big with teens.

>This is just speculation, of course, but I don't think all of Obama's appeal to the young (or even most of it) is because he is black. His youth is probably as big or a bigger factor. And I think most of all his appeal is simply that he inspires people. He has pulled people in who usually give politics a miss because they are turned off by what they have seen. IMO the comparison to JFK, which has been made many times, is an apt one.
>>I agree that race is playing a part, but not racism. If racism is playing a part then it is far outweighed by the number voting for him simply because he is black. I'm not referring to other blacks either, I see it in the majority of young voters - they want a black president and unless there is a very specific reason for NOT voting for him, he will get their vote. I still see him winning...
>>>I certainly wouldn't go as far as saying he can't win. He's still the favorite IMO. The Democratic dustup has given McCain a free pass for a few weeks now but he will face his own scrutiny before this is over.
>>>What can't be denied is that racism is playing a part. Some dumb utopians like me may have hoped it wouldn't, but it hasn't gone away. Look at the groups he is having the most trouble winning over -- white, less educated, rural, older. To the extent that racists are still among us, that's exactly where you'll find them.
>>>>The reason is Barack cannot win the general and many people are waking up to that fact.
>>>>>And according to some blogs I read today, for some reason a lot of the mass media, Time, Wash Post and others are getting behind her also.
>>>>>>Ads are hot and heavy in NC now. Emails too. Here's a mass emailing that went out today:
>>>>>>Dear Tracy,
>>>>>>I am writing to tell you about my friend, Hillary Clinton, and why I am standing with her in her campaign for the presidency. I know the kind of president Hillary Clinton will be because I know the person she is.
>>>>>>I am inspired by her courage and her honesty. She is a reliable and trustworthy person. She is someone I not only admire but one for whom I have profound affection.
>>>>>>Hillary does not waver in standing up for those who need a champion. She has always been a passionate protector of families. As a child, she was taught that all God?s children are equal, and as a mother, she understood that her child wasn?t safe unless all children were safe. As I wrote about Hillary recently in a praise song: ?She is the prayer of every woman, and every man who longs for fair play, healthy families, good schools and a balanced economy.?
>>>>>>It may be easy to view Hillary Clinton through the narrow lens of those who would write her off or grind her down. Hillary sees us as we are, black and brown and white and yellow and pink and relishes our differences knowing that fundamentally we are all more alike than we are unalike. She is able to look through complexion and see community.
>>>>>>She has endured great scrutiny, and still she dares greatly. Hillary Clinton will not give up on you, and all she asks is that you do not give up on her. She is a long-distance runner. I am honored to say I am with her for the long run.
>>>>>>I am supporting Hillary Clinton because I know that she will make the most positive difference in people?s lives and she will help our country become what it can be. Whether you are her supporter, leaning towards her, undecided, or supporting someone else, I believe Hillary Clinton will represent you ? she will be a president for all Americans. It is no small thing that along the way we will make history together.
>>>>>>Vote for Hillary Clinton and show your support at I know she will make us proud.
>>>>>>Dr. Maya Angelou

>>>>>>I hate to do this, but I question her definition of honesty.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
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"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
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