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Now Obama is outraged?
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>>>Obama was responding to the comments Rev. Wright made yesterday, not earlier ones. He didn't just out of the blue decide to backtrack on what happened before. If you read what Obama said, I think it sounds reasonable.
>>It only sounds reasonable if you are a true-believer in the man. He is a politician, and just like the rest he will lie, manipulate and ass-kiss as far as he can. He stuck by his preacher because he is a long-time member of the flock and believed that the issue would go away. When it didn't, I believe they concocted this appearance yesterday so Obama could denounce the 'new' comments without appearing to have flip-flopped on the 'old' ones. There is no doubt he is a great speaker, with a script, but this just stinks of political manipulation.
>>>The whole thing was a manufactured issue to begin with, the Clintons trying to tar Obama with guilt by association. I'm not sure what more they can try at this point. But they'll probably come up with something.
>>I believe the comments of a man whom a future president considers his spiritual leader are important. More importantly, calling it manufactured does not make it go away, it is front and center thanks to Wright. I think Obama has plenty of associations, actions, votes and 'present' votes he needs to account for, Wright just happens to be stirring the pot the loudest with his appearance yesterday. I think you're too close to the trees to see the forest with this guy.
>>Don't feel bad though, after all we all have a crappy choice to make this election. I'm just hoping none of these three stooges destroys the country before 2012.
>If the last 8 years haven't destroyed us, I don't know what could <g>.

Bush has definitely pushed us further away from the founders' intent with a further consolidation of federal power, however, the most dangerous power shifting is still waiting to be passed. All three candidates will be bad for state and individual rights.

>OK, I'll bite. What's going to happen in 2012? Or are you just saying whichever "stooge" is elected this year will be a one term President?

I don't know if whomever wins will be a one-termer, just that we don't get to choose again until 2012.
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