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Now Obama is outraged?
30/04/2008 15:20:37
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Now you're repeating that factoid? If Hillary's claim that she is "leading in the popular vote" is being taken this seriously, Obama better respond before he gets Swift boated. The only way Hillary is "leading" is if you include votes in states that don't count, didn't count when they were cast, and in one case (Michigan) were cast in a state where Obama's name was not even on the ballot. Jeez. This proves how easy the American people are to lie to and get away with it.

>I agree with you that in many voters' eyes Obama is winning because he won more delegates, but Obama has more delegates because he won those smaller caucus states. Hillary actually received more votes overall. Of course, that is why we have the electoral college and not the popular vote... :o)
>>I agree that McCain is the lesser of three evils, however, he's no more likely to really screw things up than Hilary. Let me explain.
>>If Hilary is elected it will mean that she has 'stolen' the nomination from Obama in many eyes. She will have won a close battle with McCain, both popular and electoral, as many Obama supporters either hold their nose and vote Hilary, or more likely stay home. This result means that the Dems are not likely to get to 60 senators and thus the Reps can limit the damage in terms of big social issues. Hilary will still mess with our rights through environmental legislation, federal consolidation and the largest tax increase in history, but she won't get the big destructive items through.
>>I do not think Obama can win against McCain, in fact I think we're looking at an electoral landslide. Thus, if he does win, I believe that means something big has happened to shift a great deal of states to him. This likely means the Dems will get their 60 senators and then we see the greatest shift in power from the individual and the states to the federal government since FDR. Everything is on the table, property rights, gun rights, massive land grabs through environmental regulation, world-court, universal health care, ...
>>The damage done by FDR has only recently been realized and it is nearly impossible to correct. Obama's policies will undoubtedly put the final nail in the coffin of the founders original intent for this country and the unintended consequences could put us on an irreversible path towards our own collapse. If that happens I just hope we get lucky, like we did following Carter, and the right person appears on the scene to right the ship.
>>>Truer words were never spoken. Although McCain seems less likely to screw it all up than the two other knee-jerk socialists.
>>>>Don't feel bad though, after all we all have a crappy choice to make this election. I'm just hoping none of these three stooges destroys the country before 2012.

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