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More Iraq vets commit suicide then die in combat
13/05/2008 23:40:57
13/05/2008 14:33:00
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And I stand by my earier comments, Perry. Tracy hit the nail on the head - and I'll embellish with my observations - you tend to politicize serious issues or quote less-than-objective sources which cheapen the argument.

War is a terrible thing. I would be surprised if the current conflict has a higher suicide ratio than Vietnam or other conflicts that were irregular. But they didn't track that stuff back then so it's anecdotal.

The progressive groups have a message and that's to end the war - most of them by any and all means. The issues they present, real or exagerated, are designed to further that goal which makes them suspect.

If it were up to me, speaking as a pro-military, flag-waving veteran, every GI family who's dad or mom died in conflict would be taken financial and medical care for life. Every kid of a deceased veteran would be guaranteed free higher education. Every reservist or guard member called to active duty would have his civilian salary and benefits guaranteed while on active duty. Every veteran would be guaranteed medical benefits and treatment for life. The GI Bill would be reinforced to pay for an entire 4 year degree.

That's what I believe. But, what I find ironic, is that if you look at the history of the reduction of veterans benefits you find the two principal architects have been Carter and Clinton with Gore cheerleading.

As to my Obama / McCain comment, my point was that part of being a President is having the guts to stick to your guns and protect your country on principles. McCain's Vietnam experience proves he has them; Obama does not share the same harrowing experiences.

And having "guts" is not an exclusive to the GOP. Kennedy had them as he showed in 1962. But Kennedy also was a war hero (PT-109, Profiles in Courage).

Forget the 3 AM call bullcrap; put Obama and McCain into a timewarp back to October 1962 - honestly, who do you think handles it best?

>You're reading too much into what I posted. The comments you're picking aren't directed at you. Others.
>In particular I'm commenting on JK's comments when I first posted an article about this tragedy. His comment was to the effect that a)I had posted a link to a progressive blog, so the story carried no weight b)The story also carried no weight because the main people quoted belonged to Vet support groups that lean progressive because they are so fed up with how they were/are treated.
>I didn't say my resolution was to just bring them home. But the site that posted the video is of parents who want to bring their children home.
>All your recommendations are resonable. But it does appear from what I've seen/read that as in many organisations there is a long inbred attitude that needs to be changed. In the military, it's the "you have a problem, then just suck it up" attitude. It would appear to me that this is a difficult attitude to change, as it's just a the nature of the beast. Combat would breed a certain toughness that would take precedence over any kind of caring.
>I've heard that there's been very bad things associated with the VA system for quite sometime. A friend's mom worked there. And she had all kinds of horror stories to tell him.
>You are one of the few people I think i can discuss this type of issue with, without bringing politics into it.
>It's the others that I have a major problem with. It disgusts me to no end that I saw a comment from JK that he gives props to McCain over Obama because he doesn't think Obama could have endured what McCain did in Vietnam. What does that have to do with how well someone would represent this country?
>>It saddens me to read you using this issue to further your political view. You just couldn't resist adding the last line to your post, could you? Yes, I watched it. I wouldn't have posted it otherwise. I find it interesting that your resolution is to just bring everyone home. That wouldn't stop any future cases though Perry and it certainly wouldn't help those who need it now. War will happen again. It is unrealistic to expect otherwise. The majority of those over there now are on the 2nd or 3rd tour. It is unrealistic to expect the world to change because you want it to. Your preaching to the wrong choir if that really is your goal. Things that need to happen to protect and care for soldiers that might have a positive effect:
>>1. Limit tours to 2.
>>2. Initiate the draft to meet required troop levels.
>>3. Bring in contracted, qualified, trained civilian counselors.
>>4. Overhaul the VA system (there are more problems than this one).
>>5. Require couseling and sign-off by the qualified, trained counselors (psychiatrists who specialize in the field) before allowing additional tours.
>>6. Make the pressure from on-high to provide a supportive environment for those seeking counseling instead of the opposite which is the case now. Counseling and support should never be brought into the picture at all where decisions for a career are at stake unless the professional considers the individual in a dangerous (emotionally or mentally) position and unable to lead troops.
>>7. Contract qualified psychiatric specialists to be available during war onsite where the soldier is to be available immediately when a soldier needs it (yes, in Iraq at the unit level) and make it comfortable and safe for a soldier to use those services (as opposed to how is is now).
>>>I watched the link you gave me. It is the entire Soldier segment from the HDNet episode.
>>>I don't know if you've seen it, but it was extremely sad to watch. It appeared that 99% of the govt employees they interviewed were clueless about the problem. I don't remember her position, but the lady who was interviewed who was dressed in fatigues did not appear to me to be the type of person I would want as my psychologist, if I were to seek one out.
>>>There were 2 people who work at Fort Carson who were extremely sympathetic. One was the base commander. And it took one of his sons committing suicide and the other getting killed in Iraq to turn him around.
>>>The worse part is that one of the main causes of suicide is the lack of help. One of the causes of this is the macho mentality that pervades the military. And I think it was 60 minutes that reported on this at least 2 yrs ago. And the main branches of the VA are still not prepared for soldiers with PTSD. Only pockets of the military, like Fort Carson, are making it a priority.
>>>So I guess you must be a commie, pinko, fag like me for publishing a link to a Military Family website that has as their main tag line, "Bring them home".
>>>>If you can, watch this Perry:
>>>>Untreated Casualties: The Military's Suicide Epidemic; Viewfinder: A Student's Eclectic Visions
>>>>Episode Number: 614
>>>>Synopsis: This week, correspondent Greg Dobbs presents a powerful and disturbing report about the suicide epidemic in the U.S. military. It has become a terrible trend -- suicides up some 20% last year; since the Iraq war began, a six-fold increase in suicide attempts. Experts say that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a major cause, and that soldiers in crisis aren't getting the help that they need from the military or the VA. Dobbs talks to two soldiers who attempted suicide, and the family of a marine reservist who took his own life. They say he was denied treatment for what was obviously PTSD. The Pentagon argues that PTSD isn't even a major factor in the rising suicide rates. These men and women are the 'untreated casualties' of war. On a lighter note, we visit with an extraordinary young man named Ross Ching, who is making beautiful films, in his spare time between classes. It's a World Report 'Viewfinder.'

>>>>I think this may be the whole video, but I'm not positive:
>>>>>Of course people like JK want to keep blinders on, but I find this rather horrific:
John Koziol, ex-MVP, ex-MS, ex-FoxTeam. Just call me "X"
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" - Hunter Thompson (Gonzo) RIP 2/19/05

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