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The candidate who couldn't stop
02/06/2008 13:33:28
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I am in favor of bagging the electoral college entirely. It's a silly anachronism. Of course, this will not happen. The EC disproportionately favors small states and 3/4 of the states would need to approve a Constitutional amendment.

>You may find this interesting (not that it will go anywhere but it DID pass the NC Senate last year):
>North Carolina Senate Bill 954 - one of the things it does it switch to the popular vote in general elections.
>Under the current system of electing the President, a candidate may win a majority of the Electoral College without having a majority of the nationwide popular vote. The National Popular Vote bill would reform the Electoral College by guaranteeing the Presidency to the presidential candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states (and the District of Columbia). The bill would enact the proposed interstate compact entitled the "Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote." The compact would take effect only when enacted, in identical form, by states possessing a majority of the membership of the Electoral College (that is 270 of 538 electoral votes). Under the compact, all of the members of the Electoral College from all states belonging to the compact would be from the same political party as the winner of nationwide popular vote. Thus, the presidential candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states (and the District of
>Columbia) will be guaranteed a majority of the Electoral College, and hence the Presidency. Because the compact guarantees a majority of the Electoral College to the winner of most popular votes nationwide, the compact has the additional benefit of eliminating the possibility that a presidential election might be thrown into the U.S. House of Representatives (with each state casting one vote).

>>>>Superdelegates can still change their minds, Hillary says. Time for reflection is needed, Hillary says. I'm ahead in the popular vote, Hillary continues to lie says. Is someone going to have to drive a stake through her heart before she concedes she has lost?
>>>Not that I like her either, but she has a valid point. She also has a valid point re: FL and MI delegates. Votes should not be changed by committee as the DNC did on Saturday. She bothered to run, and she got the votes.
>>Those two primaries were invalidated before they were held and Hillary agreed to that along with everyone else. If the committee had chosen to adhere to that, neither candidate would be receiving any delegates from the two states. The DNC's decision was a compromise. Hillary stirred up Florida and Michigan voters so much after the fact that they genuinely believe themselves disenfranchised. This is being presented as thought the primaries were held in the normal manner and then the votes were taken away. They weren't.
>>I don't know if you caught it but Harold Ickes, Hillary's chief kneecapper (and DNC member!), said Michigan votes should be counted exactly as cast. IOW Hillary gets every vote cast for her and Obama, who took his name off the ballot, gets zero. About 40% of the ballots were marked "Uncommitted." The Clinton camp says none of those votes were for Obama, since none of them say Obama. "He made the decision to take himself off the ballot," Hillary now says airily. Truly unbelievable. Well, no, not unbelievable given the Clintons' loose history with the truth, but still appalling.

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