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Problem with merge two RTF
11/06/2008 06:04:07
Reza Meamar
Homa Programming Group
Shiraz, Iran
11/06/2008 05:46:25
General information
Visual FoxPro
ActiveX controls in VFP
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP SP2
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Message ID:
no i dont think, i think that this is only array name selected by programmer.
if you see FUNCTION JoinRTF, two line is in it


first line run correctly, but this error occure when second line run.

>I haven't seen this code before, but my guess is that you must add a line like afont(afont0) to populate an array of available fonts.
>>thanks for your attention
>>in below section, at the last line.
>>*** deffN - defaul font definition correction in text
>>IF !EMPTY(nDeffH+nDeffT) .AND. ArrLen(@aFont2)>0
>>	*** search font definition "\f"+nDEffT+"\" for header
>>	nDeffH=aFont0[VAL(nDeffH)+1] && ôîíò â çàãîëîâêå
>>Error Message is : File 'aFont0' does not exist.
>>if found this remarked line in this function:
>>IF .F.
>>	DECLARE aFont0(1),aFont2(1),aColor0(1),aColor2(1)
>>when i change IF .F. to IF .T., another error was occured in below line. error message is Operator/operand type mismatch.
>>	*** will add this font in header and insert it's number in text
>>	IF nj>0 .AND. !nDeffT==nDeffH && fonts are different !
>>>Which line gives the error?
>>>>Thank you dear sergey,
>>>>When i test this useful function, i get an error, but if i ignor it, the result is correct!
>>>>Can you see this please?
>>>>unfortunatly his website address is rong.
>>>>cText1 = "{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1025{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\qc\fs32 First Line\par }"
>>>>cText2 = "{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1025{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\fs18 Second Line\par }"
>>>>Landscape = .F.
>>>>nPage = 0
>>>>= STRTOFILE(JoinRTF(cText1,cText2,Landscape,nPage),"C:\new.rtf")
>>>>************** Some usefull RTF functions ************
>>>>*** (c) 1999, Dmitry Bayanov
>>>>*** RtfPSize() - To get RTF-string with pointed Page Size Settings
>>>>*** JoinRTF() - Join two RTF-documents into one (UnionRTF function is used)
>>>>*** UnionRTF() - RTF-documents union function - create common header and joined text body
>>>>*** RTFCreTab() - Creates RTF-table skeleton code
>>>>*** RtfTab() - Creates RTF-code for MS Word Table Line (to be adde to table skeleton code)
>>>>*** RtfFilRow() - Adding new line to RTF-table and filling it with values
>>>>*** TChar_Wide - To convert Wide in CHARS to wide in PITS (1cm = 567 pit)
>>>>*** TWide_Char - To convert Wide in PITS to wide in CHARS
>>>>*** ArrLen - To get Array Length (0 - if not artray)
>>>>*** ArrDel - To delete an element from LOCAL array
>>>>*** aADD - To Add an element to the end of array
>>>>* To get string with Page Size Settings ->  RTF-code for MS Word
>>>>* cCode: "L","P", nPage=0(A4), 1(A3), nmT,nmB,nmL,nmR - ïîëÿ â ñì
>>>>* in DoAnyRap & Make_Rap :
>>>>* nPage=0(A4) npWide=14855,9638 (paperh-margl-margr)16840,1418
>>>>* nPage=1(A3) npWide=21829,14571(paperh-margl-margr)23814,16840
>>>>FUNCTION RtfPsize(cOrient,nPage,nmT,nmB,nmL,nmR)
>>>>LOCAL cBuf
>>>>IF EMPTY(cOrient)
>>>>	cOrient="P"
>>>>IF EMPTY(nPage)
>>>>	nPage=0 && A4
>>>>IF !TYPE("nmT")=="N"
>>>>	nmT=1.5
>>>>IF !TYPE("nmB")=="N"
>>>>	nmB=1.7
>>>>IF !TYPE("nmL")=="N"
>>>>	nmL=2.5
>>>>IF !TYPE("nmR")=="N"
>>>>	nmR=1.5
>>>>	CASE cOrient=="L" .AND. EMPTY(nPage)
>>>>		cBuf="\paperw16840\paperh11907\margl"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmL*567))+;
>>>>			"\margr"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmR*567))+"\margt"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmT*567))+;
>>>>			"\margb"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmB*567))+"\lndscpsxn "
>>>>	CASE cOrient=="P" .AND. EMPTY(nPage)
>>>>		cBuf="\paperw11907\paperh16840\margl"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmL*567))+;
>>>>			"\margr"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmR*567))+"\margt"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmT*567))+;
>>>>			"\margb"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmB*567))+" "
>>>>	CASE cOrient=="L" .AND. nPage==1
>>>>		cBuf="\paperw23814\paperh16840\margl"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmL*567))+"\margr"+;
>>>>			ALLTRIM(STR(nmR*567))+"\margt"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmT*567))+"\margb"+;
>>>>			ALLTRIM(STR(nmB*567))+"\lndscpsxn "
>>>>	CASE cOrient=="P" .AND. nPage==1
>>>>		cBuf="\paperw16840\paperh23814\margl"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmL*567))+"\margr"+;
>>>>			ALLTRIM(STR(nmR*567))+"\margt"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmT*567))+"\margb"+;
>>>>			ALLTRIM(STR(nmB*567))+" "
>>>>RETURN cBuf
>>>>* Join two RTF-documents into one
>>>>FUNCTION JoinRTF(cText1,cText2,Landscape,nPage,nmT,nmB,nmL,nmR)
>>>>LOCAL cOut,cBuf,cHead,crt1,crt2
>>>>cOut=cHead+RtfPsize(IIF(Landscape,"L","P"),nPage,nmT,nmB,nmL,nmR)+crt1+"\par "+crt2+"}"
>>>>RETURN cOut
>>>>* RTF-documents union function - create common header and joined text body:
>>>>* Fonts and Colors definition in text body.
>>>>* Input arguments - Common capacited Header cHead and text Body cRTF
>>>>* cRtf - returned by referenca without header, without resulting symbol "}" and
>>>>* with corrected numbers Font, ColorTable (fN,cfN,cbN),
>>>>* in cRTF code we find \deffN\ and {\fN\, insert in header and after all
>>>>* \plain insert \fN in cRTF, if it's not equal Header's Deff
>>>>* (c) Dm.Bayanov, 1998
>>>>FUNCTION UnionRTF(cHead,cRTF,Landscape,cFontName)
>>>>LOCAL aFont2,aColor2,cHead2,cText2,ni,nj,nk,nCount,cim,aFont0,aColor0, cContr,cDeff
>>>>LOCAL cHPart1,cHPart2,cBuf,lAdd,cBuf1,cBuf2,nBuf1,nBuf2,nParam,cParam,nNum,nDeffH,nDeffT
>>>>IF EMPTY(cFontName)
>>>>	cFontName="Arial Cyr"
>>>>IF EMPTY(cHead)
>>>>	cHead="{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss "+cFontName+";}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}{\info{\author Created by DBRAD32 Report Generator}}"
>>>>	cRTF="\viewkind1"
>>>>	RETURN .F.
>>>>IF .F.
>>>>	DECLARE aFont0(1),aFont2(1),aColor0(1),aColor2(1)
>>>>*** Split Header from text body
>>>>IF EMPTY(cHead2) .OR. EMPTY(cText2)
>>>>	cRTF=""
>>>>	RETURN .F.
>>>>*** Find default fonts
>>>>IF ni>0
>>>>	cBuf=SUBSTR(cHead,ni+5,10)
>>>>	ni=AT("\",cBuf)
>>>>	nDeffH=SUBSTR(cBuf,1,ni-1)
>>>>IF ni>0
>>>>	cBuf=SUBSTR(cHead2,ni+5,10)
>>>>	ni=AT("\",cBuf)
>>>>	nDeffT=SUBSTR(cBuf,1,ni-1)
>>>>*** Getting Header befor and after fonttbl,colortbl
>>>>**************** cHead ******************
>>>>** Font cHead processing
>>>>IF nj>0
>>>>	** first part of header cHead1
>>>>	cHPart1=SUBSTR(cHead,1,nj-1)
>>>>	nj=nj+9
>>>>	nCount=0
>>>>	lAdd=.F.
>>>>	FOR ni=nj TO LEN(cHead)
>>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cHead,ni,1)
>>>>		nCount=IIF(cim=="{",nCount+1,IIF(cim=="}",nCount-1,nCount))
>>>>		DO CASE
>>>>				*** begin of new font
>>>>			CASE cim=="{" .AND. nCount==1
>>>>				*** begin of new font
>>>>				cBuf=""
>>>>				lAdd=.T.
>>>>				*** End of font
>>>>			CASE cim=="}" .AND. nCount==0
>>>>				** number cutting
>>>>				nj=AT("\",cBuf,2)
>>>>				cBuf=SUBSTR(cBuf,nj+1,LEN(cBuf)-nj)+"}"
>>>>				*         ***************** font cyrillisation ***********
>>>>				*         ** "Cyr" word adding
>>>>				*          IF nCodePage==1251 and. RAT(" Cyr;}",cBuf)==0
>>>>				*            cBuf=SUBSTR(cBuf,1,LEN(cBuf)-2)+" Cyr;}"
>>>>				*          ENDIF
>>>>				** adding font in array
>>>>				=AADD(@aFont0,cBuf)
>>>>				lAdd=.F.
>>>>				*** font collection process
>>>>			CASE lAdd
>>>>				cBuf=cBuf+cim
>>>>		*** no more fonts
>>>>		IF nCount<0
>>>>			EXIT
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>	NEXT
>>>>*** Color cHead processing
>>>>IF nj>0
>>>>	nj=nj+10
>>>>	cBuf=""
>>>>	FOR ni=nj TO LEN(cHead)
>>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cHead,ni,1)
>>>>		cBuf=cBuf+cim
>>>>		*** End of color
>>>>		IF cim==";"
>>>>			=AADD(@aColor0,cBuf)
>>>>			cBuf=""
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>		*** no more colors
>>>>		IF cim=="}"
>>>>			EXIT
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>	NEXT
>>>>	** second part of header cHead
>>>>	IF ni<LEN(cHead)
>>>>		** no color definition colortbl
>>>>		cHPart2=SUBSTR(cHead,ni+1,LEN(cHead)-ni)
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>**************** cHead2 ******************
>>>>** Font cHead2 processing
>>>>IF nj>0
>>>>	nj=nj+9 && !!!
>>>>	nCount=0
>>>>	lAdd=.F.
>>>>	FOR ni=nj TO LEN(cHead2)
>>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cHead2,ni,1)
>>>>		nCount=IIF(cim=="{",nCount+1,IIF(cim=="}",nCount-1,nCount))
>>>>		DO CASE
>>>>				*** Begin of new font
>>>>			CASE cim=="{" .AND. nCount==1
>>>>				*** Begin of new font
>>>>				cBuf=""
>>>>				lAdd=.T.
>>>>				*** End of font
>>>>			CASE cim=="}" .AND. nCount==0
>>>>				*      ***************** font cyrillisation ***********
>>>>				*      ** "Cyr" word adding
>>>>				*      IF nCodePage==1251 and. RAT(" Cyr;",cBuf)==0
>>>>				*        cBuf=SUBSTR(cBuf,1,LEN(cBuf)-1)+" Cyr;"
>>>>				*      ENDIF
>>>>				** adding font in array
>>>>				=AADD(@aFont2,"{"+cBuf+"}")
>>>>				lAdd=.F.
>>>>				*** font linking
>>>>			CASE lAdd
>>>>				cBuf=cBuf+cim
>>>>		*** no more fonts
>>>>		IF nCount<0
>>>>			EXIT
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>	NEXT
>>>>*** Color cHead2 processing
>>>>IF nj>0
>>>>	nj=nj+10
>>>>	cBuf=""
>>>>	FOR ni=nj TO LEN(cHead2)
>>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cHead2,ni,1)
>>>>		cBuf=cBuf+cim
>>>>		*** end of color
>>>>		IF cim==";"
>>>>			=AADD(@aColor2,cBuf) && adding color in array
>>>>			cBuf=""
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>		*** no more colors
>>>>		IF cim=="}"
>>>>			EXIT
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>	NEXT
>>>>****************** Passing through RTF-texts and Font & Color parameters union
>>>>******************************* RTFtext **************************************
>>>>** RTF - fonts searching and correction
>>>>DO WHILE .T.
>>>>	ni=AT("\f",cText2,nCount)
>>>>	IF ni>0 && somethig was found - check in parameter
>>>>		nCount=nCount+1
>>>>		nBuf1=ni-1 && last char number before Control
>>>>		ni=ni+2 && LEN(control+1)
>>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>>		IF ISDIGIT(cim) && font number digit - font definition was found
>>>>			cParam=""
>>>>			*** Font number correction in text
>>>>			DO WHILE .T.
>>>>				cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>>				ni=ni+1
>>>>				IF ISDIGIT(cim)
>>>>					cParam=cParam+cim
>>>>				ELSE
>>>>					EXIT
>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>			ENDDO
>>>>			nBuf2=ni-1
>>>>			*** searching font definition "\f"+cParam+"\" in aFont array
>>>>			nj=ASCAN(aFont2,"{\f"+cParam+"\")
>>>>			IF nj>0
>>>>				cBuf=aFont2[nj]
>>>>				** number cutting
>>>>				nj=AT("\",cBuf,2)
>>>>				cBuf=SUBSTR(cBuf,nj+1,LEN(cBuf)-nj)
>>>>				*** check in if exist such font in common aFont0 array
>>>>				nj=0
>>>>				IF ArrLen(@aFont0)>0
>>>>					nj=ASCAN(aFont0,cBuf)
>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>				** ok - this number exists
>>>>				IF nj>0
>>>>					nNum=nj-1
>>>>				ELSE
>>>>					=AADD(@aFont0,cBuf)
>>>>					nNum=ArrLen(@aFont0)-1
>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>				** number correction in text
>>>>				cText2=SUBSTR(cText2,1,nBuf1)+;
>>>>					"\f"+ALLTRIM(STR(nNum))+;
>>>>					SUBSTR(cText2,nBuf2,LEN(cText2)-nBuf2+1)
>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>		ELSE
>>>>			LOOP && it's not font
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>	ELSE
>>>>		EXIT
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>** RTF - Font Colors searching and correction
>>>>DO WHILE .T.
>>>>	ni=AT("\cf",cText2,nCount)
>>>>	IF ni>0 && somethig was found - check in parameter
>>>>		nCount=nCount+1
>>>>		nBuf1=ni-1 && last char number before Control
>>>>		ni=ni+3 && LEN(control+1)
>>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>>		IF ISDIGIT(cim) && color number digit - color definition was found
>>>>			cParam=""
>>>>			*** Color number correction in text
>>>>			DO WHILE .T.
>>>>				cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>>				ni=ni+1
>>>>				IF ISDIGIT(cim)
>>>>					cParam=cParam+cim
>>>>					nParam=VAL(cParam)+1
>>>>				ELSE
>>>>					EXIT
>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>			ENDDO
>>>>			nBuf2=ni-1
>>>>			*** Color definition - in aColor2 array
>>>>			IF nParam<=ArrLen(@aColor2)
>>>>				cBuf=aColor2[nParam]
>>>>				*** check in if exist such Color in common aColor0 array
>>>>				nj=0
>>>>				IF ArrLen(@aColor0)>0
>>>>					nj=ASCAN(aColor0,cBuf)
>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>				** such color is exist
>>>>				IF nj>0
>>>>					nNum=nj-1
>>>>				ELSE
>>>>					=AADD(@aColor0,cBuf)
>>>>					nNum=ArrLen(@aColor0)-1
>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>				cBuf="\cf"+ALLTRIM(STR(nNum))
>>>>				*** bad color number
>>>>			ELSE
>>>>				cBuf=""
>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>			** number correction in text
>>>>			cText2=SUBSTR(cText2,1,nBuf1)+cBuf+SUBSTR(cText2,nBuf2,LEN(cText2)-nBuf2+1)
>>>>		ELSE
>>>>			LOOP && it is not color
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>	ELSE
>>>>		EXIT
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>** RTF - Colors Back searching and correction
>>>>DO WHILE .T.
>>>>	ni=AT("\cb",cText2,nCount)
>>>>	IF ni>0 && somethig was found - check in parameter
>>>>		nCount=nCount+1
>>>>		nBuf1=ni-1 && last char number before Control
>>>>		ni=ni+3 && LEN(control+1)
>>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>>		IF ISDIGIT(cim) && color number digit - color definition was found
>>>>			cParam=""
>>>>			*** Color number correction in text
>>>>			DO WHILE .T.
>>>>				cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>>				ni=ni+1
>>>>				IF ISDIGIT(cim)
>>>>					cParam=cParam+cim
>>>>					nParam=VAL(cParam)+1
>>>>				ELSE
>>>>					EXIT
>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>			ENDDO
>>>>			nBuf2=ni-1
>>>>			*** Color definition - in aColor2 array
>>>>			IF nParam<=ArrLen(@aColor2)
>>>>				cBuf=aColor2[nParam]
>>>>				*** check in if exist such Color in common aColor0 array
>>>>				nj=0
>>>>				IF ArrLen(@aColor0)>0
>>>>					nj=ASCAN(aColor0,cBuf)
>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>				** such color is exist
>>>>				IF nj>0
>>>>					nNum=nj-1
>>>>				ELSE
>>>>					=AADD(@aColor0,cBuf)
>>>>					nNum=ArrLen(@aColor0)-1
>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>				cBuf="\cb"+ALLTRIM(STR(nNum))
>>>>				*** bad color number
>>>>			ELSE
>>>>				cBuf=""
>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>			** number correction in text
>>>>			cText2=SUBSTR(cText2,1,nBuf1)+cBuf+SUBSTR(cText2,nBuf2,LEN(cText2)-nBuf2+1)
>>>>		ELSE
>>>>			LOOP && it is not color
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>	ELSE
>>>>		EXIT
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>** RTF - HightLight Colors searching and correction
>>>>DO WHILE .T.
>>>>	ni=AT("\highlight",cText2,nCount)
>>>>	IF ni>0 && somethig was found - check in parameter
>>>>		nCount=nCount+1
>>>>		nBuf1=ni-1 && last char number before Control
>>>>		ni=ni+10 && LEN(control+1)
>>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>>		IF ISDIGIT(cim) && color number digit - color definition was found
>>>>			cParam=""
>>>>			*** Color number correction in text
>>>>			DO WHILE .T.
>>>>				cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>>				ni=ni+1
>>>>				IF ISDIGIT(cim)
>>>>					cParam=cParam+cim
>>>>					nParam=VAL(cParam)+1
>>>>				ELSE
>>>>					EXIT
>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>			ENDDO
>>>>			nBuf2=ni-1
>>>>			*** Color definition - in aColor2 array
>>>>			IF nParam<=ArrLen(@aColor2)
>>>>				cBuf=aColor2[nParam]
>>>>				*** check in if exist such Color in common aColor0 array
>>>>				nj=0
>>>>				IF ArrLen(@aColor0)>0
>>>>					nj=ASCAN(aColor0,cBuf)
>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>				** such color is exist
>>>>				IF nj>0
>>>>					nNum=nj-1
>>>>				ELSE
>>>>					=AADD(@aColor0,cBuf)
>>>>					nNum=ArrLen(@aColor0)-1
>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>				cBuf="\highlight"+ALLTRIM(STR(nNum))
>>>>				*** bad color number
>>>>			ELSE
>>>>				cBuf=""
>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>			** number correction in text
>>>>			cText2=SUBSTR(cText2,1,nBuf1)+cBuf+SUBSTR(cText2,nBuf2,LEN(cText2)-nBuf2+1)
>>>>		ELSE
>>>>			LOOP && it is not color
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>	ELSE
>>>>		EXIT
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>*** deffN - defaul font definition correction in text
>>>>IF !EMPTY(nDeffH+nDeffT) .AND. ArrLen(@aFont2)>0
>>>>	*** search font definition "\f"+nDEffT+"\" for header
>>>>	nDeffH=aFont0[VAL(nDeffH)+1] && ôîíò â çàãîëîâêå
>>>>	*** search font definition "\f"+nDEffT+"\" for text
>>>>	nj=ASCAN(aFont2,"{\f"+nDeffT+"\")
>>>>	IF nj>0
>>>>		nDeffT=aFont2[nj] && font in text
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>	*** will add this font in header and insert it's number in text
>>>>	IF nj>0 .AND. !nDeffT==nDeffH && fonts are different !
>>>>		cBuf=nDeffT
>>>>		** number cutting
>>>>		nj=AT("\",cBuf,2)
>>>>		cBuf=SUBSTR(cBuf,nj+1,LEN(cBuf)-nj)
>>>>		*** check in if exist such Font in common aFont0 array
>>>>		nj=0
>>>>		IF ArrLen(@aFont0)>0
>>>>			nj=ASCAN(aFont0,cBuf)
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>		** Such is exist
>>>>		IF nj>0
>>>>			nNum=nj-1
>>>>		ELSE
>>>>			=AADD(@aFont0,cBuf)
>>>>			nNum=ArrLen(@aFont0)-1
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>		cDeff="\plain\f"+ALLTRIM(STR(nNum)) && +" "
>>>>		*** will insert \fN in cText2 after \plain
>>>>		cText2=STRTRAN(cText2,"\plain",cDeff)
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>************* Common header cHead0 linking ************
>>>>*** Fonts definition
>>>>FOR ni=1 TO ArrLen(@aFont0)
>>>>	cBuf=aFont0[ni]
>>>>	*  IF nCodePage==1251 && Russian
>>>>	*   ***************** Fonts cyrillisation ***********
>>>>	*   ** replacement \fcharset shift with russian 204
>>>>	*   cBuf=AllStuff(cBuf,"\fcharset","\fcharset204",.t.)
>>>>	*   cHead=cHead+"{\f"+ALLTRIM(STR(ni-1))+"\"+cBuf
>>>>	*  ENDIF
>>>>*** Colors definition
>>>>FOR ni=1 TO ArrLen(@aColor0)
>>>>	cHead=cHead+aColor0[ni]
>>>>cHead=cHead+"{\info{\author Created by DBRAD32 Report Generator}}"
>>>>************* Common text cText2 linking ************
>>>>** viewkind1 - to enabling vertical text in Word
>>>>** viewzk2 - autoscale, otherwise - 100%
>>>>* cText2="\viewkind1\viewzk2"+cText2
>>>>** Styles pointers deleting StyleSheet - \sNN
>>>>** Set DocumentView mode in 1 (Page Layout View)
>>>>** Page settings deleting
>>>>IF Landscape
>>>>	cText2=AllStuff(cText2,"\sectd\","\sectd\lndscpsxn\",.F.)
>>>>	cText2=AllStuff(cText2,"\sectd ","\sectd\lndscpsxn ",.F.)
>>>>*** Resulting char "}" cutting in RTF text
>>>>RETURN .T.
>>>>** Searching and replacement substring [cContr] in text [cRtfText]
>>>>* lDigit==.t. - cContr with digital parameter
>>>>FUNCTION AllStuff(cText,cContr,cNew,lDigit)
>>>>LOCAL ni,nBuf1,nBuf2,cim,cOut1,nCount,cOut2
>>>>IF EMPTY(cNew)
>>>>	cNew=""
>>>>** search \contr
>>>>DO WHILE .T.
>>>>	ni=AT(cContr,cOut2,1)
>>>>	IF ni>0 && smth was found - check by parameter
>>>>		nBuf1=ni-1 && last digit number before Control
>>>>		** search with digital parameter
>>>>		IF lDigit
>>>>			ni=ni+LEN(cContr)
>>>>			cim=SUBSTR(cOut2,ni,1)
>>>>			nBuf2=ni-1
>>>>			IF ISDIGIT(cim) && next char - digit ?
>>>>				*** Full number collecting
>>>>				DO WHILE ISDIGIT(cim)
>>>>					cim=SUBSTR(cOut2,ni,1)
>>>>					ni=ni+1
>>>>				ENDDO
>>>>				nBuf2=ni-1
>>>>				** Replace/delete in text
>>>>				cOut1=cOut1+SUBSTR(cOut2,1,nBuf1)+cNew
>>>>				cOut2=SUBSTR(cOut2,nBuf2)
>>>>			ELSE
>>>>				** replace in text
>>>>				cOut1=cOut1+SUBSTR(cOut2,1,nBuf2)
>>>>				cOut2=SUBSTR(cOut2,nBuf2+1)
>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>			** exuct search
>>>>		ELSE && !lDigit
>>>>			nBuf2=ni+LEN(cContr)
>>>>			** Replace/delete in text
>>>>			cOut1=cOut1+SUBSTR(cOut2,1,nBuf1)+cNew
>>>>			cOut2=SUBSTR(cOut2,nBuf2)
>>>>		ENDIF && lDigit
>>>>	ELSE
>>>>		EXIT
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>RETURN cOut1+cOut2
>>>>*** Creates RTF-code for MS Word Table Line
>>>>** @aRow(7):
>>>>** aRow[1] - Cell value (character)
>>>>** aRow[2] - Cell Width (ñm)
>>>>** aRow[3] - Font Size (def=10)
>>>>** aRow[4] - Alignment: Center,Left,Right (def="c")
>>>>** aRow[5] - Bold (def=.f.)
>>>>** aRow[6] - Italic (def=.f.)
>>>>** aRow[7] - Vertical text (def=.f.)
>>>>*** [lHeader] - this flag means that Line is a Table Header and will (def=.f.)
>>>>*** [nMargin] - Left table margin in cm (def=0)
>>>>*** [nMinHeight] - Minimal Height for vertical text case ( aRow[7]==.t. )
>>>>*** [lDoubleLine] - Double (vs. single) separate line between header and table body
>>>>*** [lcUnVisible] - Hidden lines from mentioned as string "tblrhv" , .t. - âñå
>>>>FUNCTION RtfTab(aRow,lHeader,nMargin,nMinHeight,lDoubleLine,lcUnvisible)
>>>>LOCAL cOut,ni,nWide,cAlin,cFontSize,cMinh, cDop1,cDop2,nTol
>>>>IF .F.
>>>>	DECLARE aRow(1,1)
>>>>IF !ArrLen(@aRow,.T.) == 7
>>>>	RETURN "\par RtfTab()- Wrong cells array length !  \par"
>>>>IF TYPE("lcUnVisible")=="C"
>>>>	lcUnvisible=LOWER(lcUnvisible)
>>>>	lcUnvisible=IIF(EMPTY(lcUnvisible),"","tblrhv")
>>>>IF TYPE("nMargin")=="N"
>>>>	nMargin=nMargin*567
>>>>	nMargin=0
>>>>IF TYPE("nMinHeight")=="N"
>>>>	cMinh="\trrh"+ALLTRIM(STR(nMinHeight*567))
>>>>** ôîðìèðîâàíèå ñêåëåòà òàáëèöû
>>>>	IIF("t"$lcUnvisible,"","\trbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>	IIF("l"$lcUnvisible,"","\trbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>	IIF("b"$lcUnvisible,"","\trbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>	IIF("r"$lcUnvisible,"","\trbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>	IIF("h"$lcUnvisible,"","\trbrdrh\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>	IIF("v"$lcUnvisible,"","\trbrdrv\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>	"\clvertalt"+CRLF
>>>>FOR ni=1 TO ArrLen(@aRow)
>>>>	IF aRow[ni,2]==0 .OR. aRow[ni,2] < 0.0001
>>>>		LOOP
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>	** Wideth count
>>>>	nWide=nWide+aRow[ni,2]*567
>>>>	cOut=cOut+;
>>>>		IIF("t"$lcUnvisible,"","\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>		IIF("l"$lcUnvisible,"","\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>		IIF("b"$lcUnvisible,"","\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>		IIF("r"$lcUnvisible,"","\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>		IIF(aRow[ni,7],"\cltxbtlr","\cltxlrtb")+;
>>>>		"\cellx"+ALLTRIM(STR(nWide+nMargin))+"\clvertalt"+CRLF
>>>>IF lDoubleLine
>>>>	cOut=cOut+"\trbrdrh\brdrdb"
>>>>** Cells filling in
>>>>FOR ni=1 TO ArrLen(@aRow)
>>>>	IF aRow[ni,2]==0 .OR. aRow[ni,2] < 0.0001
>>>>		LOOP
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>	cDop1=IIF(aRow[ni,7],"{\pard\li50\ri50\intbl","")
>>>>	cDop2=IIF(aRow[ni,7],"}","")
>>>>	cAlin="\q"+IIF(EMPTY(aRow[ni,4]),"r",LOWER(aRow[ni,4]))
>>>>	cFontSize="\fs"+IIF(EMPTY(aRow[ni,3]),"20",ALLTRIM(STR(2*aRow[ni,3],4,0)))
>>>>	cOut=cOut+cDop1+"\plain"+cFontSize+cAlin+IIF(!EMPTY(aRow[ni,5]),"\b","")+IIF(!EMPTY(aRow[ni,6]),"\i","")+" "+aRow[ni,1]+"\cell "+cDop2+CRLF
>>>>cOut=cOut+"}{\row }\pard"
>>>>IF lDoubleLine
>>>>	cOut=cOut+"\trbrdrh\brdrs "
>>>>RETURN cOut
>>>>* Creates RTF-table skeleton
>>>>* @aWide[nWide] , aWide[1]=Len cm, aWide[2]=lVert
>>>>* @noWide - Table Width
>>>>* code RTF is returned from this function
>>>>*** [cUnVisible] - Hidden lines from mentioned string as - "tblrhv"
>>>>FUNCTION RTFCreTab(aWide,nSize,noWide,nMargin,lHead,nMinHeight,cUnvisible)
>>>>LOCAL ni,cBuf,nWide,nBuf,nMargin,cMinh
>>>>IF .F.
>>>>	DECLARE aWide(ArrLen(@aWide))
>>>>IF TYPE("cUnVisible")=="C"
>>>>	cUnvisible=LOWER(cUnvisible)
>>>>	cUnvisible=IIF(EMPTY(cUnvisible),"","tblrhv")
>>>>IF EMPTY(nSize)
>>>>	nSize=12
>>>>IF TYPE("nMargin")=="N"
>>>>	nMargin=nMargin*567
>>>>	nMargin=0
>>>>IF TYPE("nMinHeight")=="N"
>>>>	cMinh="\trrh"+ALLTRIM(STR(nMinHeight*567))
>>>>	IIF("t"$cUnvisible,"","\trbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>	IIF("b"$cUnvisible,"","\trbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>	IIF("r"$cUnvisible,"","\trbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>	IIF("l"$cUnvisible,"","\trbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>	IIF("h"$cUnvisible,"","\trbrdrh\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>	IIF("v"$cUnvisible,"","\trbrdrv\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>	"\clvertalt"+CRLF
>>>>FOR ni=1 TO ArrLen(@aWide)
>>>>	IF aWide[ni,1]==0 .OR. aWide[ni,1] < 0.0001
>>>>		LOOP
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>	** Wide Count
>>>>	noWide=noWide+aWide[ni,1]
>>>>	nWide=nWide+aWide[ni,1]*567
>>>>	cBuf=cBuf+;
>>>>		IIF(!EMPTY(cMinh).AND.aWide[ni,2],"\cltxbtlr","\cltxlrtb")+;
>>>>		IIF("t"$cUnvisible,"","\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>		IIF("b"$cUnvisible,"","\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>		IIF("l"$cUnvisible,"","\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>		IIF("r"$cUnvisible,"","\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>>		"\cellx"+ALLTRIM(STR(nWide+nMargin))+"\clvertalt"+CRLF
>>>>cBuf=cBuf+"\cgrid\plain\lang1049\fs"+ALLTRIM(STR(nSize*2))+" "+CRLF
>>>>RETURN cBuf
>>>>** To convert Wide in CHARS to wide in PITS (1cm = 567 pit)
>>>>FUNC TChar_Wide(cFont,nFont,nChars)
>>>>LOCAL nWide
>>>>IF nChars==0
>>>>	RETURN 0
>>>>** Wide count
>>>>nWide=FONTMETRIC(6,cFont,nFont)*nChars*25+100  && [trgaph50+nWide+trgap50]
>>>>RETURN nWide
>>>>** To convert Wide in PITS to wide in CHARS
>>>>FUNC TWide_Char(cFont,nFont,nWide)
>>>>LOCAL nChars
>>>>IF nWide==0
>>>>	RETURN 0
>>>>** Wide count in chars
>>>>RETURN nChars
>>>>* Adding new line to RTF-table and filling it with values - from aRow array
>>>>* @aRow[cValue,cAlingmentType(c/l/r),nWide,fsize,bold,italic,vert]
>>>>FUNCTION RtfFilRow(aRow,lHeader,lBold,lItalic,nStart,nStop,nSize)
>>>>LOCAL ni,cBuf,cAlin,cFont,lSluz,cDop1,cDop2
>>>>IF .F.
>>>>	DECLARE aRow(1,6)
>>>>IF lHeader
>>>>	cBuf=cBuf+"\trbrdrh\brdrdb"
>>>>IF !TYPE("nStart")=="N"
>>>>	nStart=1
>>>>IF !TYPE("nStop")=="N"
>>>>	nStop=ArrLen(@aRow)
>>>>FOR ni=nStart TO nStop
>>>>	** skip zero-width
>>>>	IF TYPE("aRow[ni,3]")=="N"
>>>>		IF aRow[ni,3]==0
>>>>			LOOP
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>	IF !TYPE("aRow[ni,5]")=="L"
>>>>		aRow[ni,5]=.F.
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>	IF !TYPE("aRow[ni,6]")=="L"
>>>>		aRow[ni,6]=.F.
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>	IF TYPE("aRow[ni,4]")=="N"
>>>>		cFont="\fs"+ALLTRIM(STR(2*aRow[ni,4],2,0))
>>>>	ELSE
>>>>		IF TYPE("nSize")=="N"
>>>>			cFont="\fs"+ALLTRIM(STR(2*nSize,2,0))
>>>>			lSluz=.T.
>>>>		ELSE
>>>>			lSluz=.F.
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>	cDop1=IIF(aRow[ni,7],"{\pard\li50\ri50\intbl","")
>>>>	cDop2=IIF(aRow[ni,7],"}","")
>>>>	cAlin="\q"+IIF(EMPTY(aRow[ni,2]),"r",LOWER(aRow[ni,2]))
>>>>	cBuf=cBuf+cDop1+"\plain"+cFont+cAlin+IIF((lSluz.AND.lBold).OR.aRow[ni,5],"\b","")+IIF(!lSluz.AND.(lItalic.OR.aRow[ni,6]),"\i","")+" "+aRow[ni,1]+"\cell "+cDop2+CRLF
>>>>cBuf=cBuf+"}{\row }\pard"
>>>>IF lHeader
>>>>	cBuf=cBuf+"\trbrdrh\brdrs "
>>>>RETURN cBuf
>>>>*** To count number of bytes in RTF-text Header
>>>>LOCAL nCount,nj
>>>>IF nj==0
>>>>	nj=AT("{\revtbl",cRTF)
>>>>IF nj==0
>>>>	nj=AT("{\listtables",cRTF)
>>>>IF nj==0
>>>>	nj=AT("{\stylesheet",cRTF)
>>>>IF nj==0
>>>>	nj=AT("{\colortbl",cRTF)
>>>>IF nj==0
>>>>	nj=AT("{\filetbl",cRTF)
>>>>IF nj==0
>>>>	nj=AT("{\fonttbl",cRTF)
>>>>FOR ni=nj TO LEN(cRTF)
>>>>	cim=SUBSTR(cRTF,ni,1)
>>>>	nCount=IIF(cim=="{",nCount+1,IIF(cim=="}",nCount-1,nCount))
>>>>	IF nCount==0
>>>>		EXIT
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>RETURN ni
>>>>*** To get Array Length (0 - if not artray)
>>>>*** l2 - to get length of second dimension
>>>>*** call aName_ as a referenced parameter ! (like ArrLen(@aArray) )
>>>>*** (c) Dm.Bayanov , 1998
>>>>FUNCTION ArrLen(aName_,l2)
>>>>LOCAL nLen
>>>>IF .F.
>>>>	DECLARE aName_(1)
>>>>IF !TYPE("aName_[1]")=="U" && Boo !
>>>>	IF l2
>>>>		nLen=ALEN(aName_,2)
>>>>	ELSE
>>>>		nLen=ALEN(aName_,1)
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>	nLen=IIF(nLen==1.AND.ISNULL(aName_[1]),0,nLen)
>>>>RETURN nLen
>>>>** Delete ni element from LOCAL array, n2 - second dimension length (should be pointed)
>>>>** @aName !
>>>>FUNCTION ArrDel(aName,ni,n2)
>>>>IF ArrLen(@aName)==1 .AND. ni==1
>>>>	aName[1]=NULL
>>>>	IF ni<=ArrLen(@aName)
>>>>		ADEL(aName,ni)
>>>>		IF TYPE("n2")=="N"
>>>>			DECLARE aName(ArrLen(@aName)-1,n2)
>>>>		ELSE
>>>>			DECLARE aName(ArrLen(@aName)-1)
>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>*** To Add element to the end of array @aNameAr
>>>>*** xVal - added value, nLen2 - second dimension length
>>>>FUNCTION AADD(aNameAr,xVal,nLen2)
>>>>LOCAL nLen,nBuf
>>>>IF nLen==0
>>>>	*** 2-nd dimension length
>>>>	IF nLen2>0
>>>>		DECLARE aNameAr(1,nLen2)
>>>>		aNameAr[1,1]=xVal
>>>>	ELSE
>>>>		DECLARE aNameAr(1)
>>>>		aNameAr[1]=xVal
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>	nBuf=ArrLen(@aNameAr,.T.)
>>>>	nLen2=IIF(nBuf>0,nBuf,nLen2)
>>>>	*** 2-nd dimension length
>>>>	IF nLen2>0
>>>>		DECLARE aNameAr(nLen+1,nLen2)
>>>>		aNameAr[nLen+1,1]=xVal
>>>>	ELSE
>>>>		DECLARE aNameAr(nLen+1)
>>>>		aNameAr[nLen+1]=xVal
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>RETURN .T.

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