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Application with more DBC
02/09/1998 11:26:31
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turquie
Information générale
Visual FoxPro
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>>>I don't known if change only the path or if change path and DBC's name, so I think the 1st solution (change database property) is more useful for my purpose.
>>>About the opening of my tables:
>>>I haven't to open the table, these are in the DE, the library's form is the base from which the developers create their forms, I'm developing a framework and each VFP project is based on this framework; so I don't known which tables are used, and I don't want to say to each developer to customize the Form.DataEnviroment.BeforeOpenTables() event to change the database property, I would to do this in library...
>>Hi Renato,
>>You mean (sorry still confused) you have a baseform class, developers use it, add a DE ? If so here is example code :
* Example of code that will decide data path on the fly
>>lParameters tcDBCNAme
>>close all
>>oApp = createobject("myapplication")
>>oApp.cDBCFullName = getdir()+oApp.cDBCName
>>do form myform name oApp.oTopForm linked
>>*read events
>>define class myApplication as Custom
>>	cDBCName = "mydbc.dbc"
>>	oTopForm = .NULL.
>>	cDBCFullName = .NULL.
>>*** myForm is based on this form class
>>*!*	DEFINE CLASS mybaseform AS form
>>*!*		DoCreate = .T.
>>*!*		Name = "mybaseform"
>>*!*		dataenvironment = .F.
>>*!*		PROCEDURE Init
>>*!*			with thisform.dataenvironment
>>*!*				.closetables
>>*!*				thisform.setall ("Database", ;
>>*!*                                oApp.cDBCFullName,"cursor")
>>*!*				.opentables
>>*!*			endwith
>>*!*		ENDPROC
>>Notice baseform class has a property "dataenvironment" that would also let this work with
>>oApp.oTopForm = createobject("myForm",createobject("mydataenvironment"))
>>with slight modification in form.init (but as I get your developers add DE).
>the developers doesn't add DE to a form, but create forms in their project as a normal form, but they have setted the Template Class Form property (in Options Tabbed Dialog) to my form class.
>In the class I haven't the DE because the button on toolbar is disabled (so another maybe can be: Can a form class has the DE ?), when you create a form for your project, instead, DE exist and the button is enabled.
>hope my poor english doesn't create fog around the problem.
No problem with English but I still couldn't get how exactly tables are opened. Your form class doesn't have a DE OK. A form class cannot have a DE but a DE could be added (referenced). If users are using form designer (and their form template is set to your form class) they would have DE automatically. I think you do it this way. Or there should be somewhere where you open tables (load ? a custom dataenvironment class ?). It doesn't matter much though. All you need is to show correct DBC, either for tables in DE or opened elsewhere.
Çetin Basöz

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