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Seymour Hersh and his war against the US
06/07/2008 16:01:11
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Ah yes, the talk shows. People often confuse them with newscasts... :o) Of course, the networks probably like it that way! I think it is easier on the core channels (CBS, ABC, NBC) to differentiate between the talk shows and the newscasts, but on the cable channels that run news and talkshows 24/7, people tune into a talk show and think they are watching the news. Probably why they get the appearance of far-left (Blitzer, Keith Olbermann, Dobbs) and far-right (Shepard Smith, Brit Hume, Dobbs). Notice I put Lou Dobbs on both sides as he swings both ways :o) I don't count Hannity, although he as far-right as you can get, because that show is balanced with Colmes. His radio show is another matter though - definitely far far right. Nor do I count O-Reilly because while he is far-right most often, he is more a conservative and even leans left at times on some issues. Besides, he is far too sanctimonious to take seriously most times. I think what I find most interesting is that on these talk shows, they don't act like news reporters or journalists, but as agents for maintaining the statu quo.

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>Where do those liberals at Fox News work, in the mail room? ;-)
>It's been quite a while since I watched them so maybe you're right and they are now less slanted than other news sources. I still see the same faces like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity in their ads. Those are technically opinion / talk shows, not newscasts, but aren't they the most popular shows on Fox?
>>Difference there being the source of the information. Fox news is nothing more than media. Each station (CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, etc) has their own slant. I don't think any of them are more accurate than the other, they each put more weight into one side of the argument (although I do think that Fox is less slanted than others). Most people here would be surprised to learn that the majority of those who work at Fox news are liberals. In the case of your experience, the people were not switching sides based on the media, but based on one man's opinion unless you want to blame the method in which he communicated that message to you all.
>>>>If Faux was to change their tune and report that Global Warming is real and is harming mankind, watch how quickly some here change their tune at the exact same time.
>>>12 hours. It was done before, and 12 hours was all that was needed for all the believers to turn their coats.
>>>It happened during the Bosnian war, when Milošević first approved of one of the peace plans (Z-4, or Vance-Owen or whichever). For three days we were watching people praising the plan as the best thing that ever happened to Serbs since the expulsion of the Ottoman empire, as the true piece of wisdom which will solve all the problems. Third day, Sloba decides that he doesn't really like the plan, and announces so in the evening news. Next morning, everybody has always been against the plan, since forever. Three days of praise never happened.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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