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Seymour Hersh and his war against the US
10/07/2008 10:36:48
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Off-the-cuff (no time for a complete list or in-depth analysis):

Global warming and Climate Change
Women's rights
Mccain-Feingold Law and the Wellstone amendment

There are more, but I won't go into detail or great length now. I am extreme-far-right on some things and extreme-far-left on others. As a parent, for this election I am asking myself, which issues will have the greatest impact on the future of my daughter and the country? Which issues do I find to be the most important right now? Which issues am I willing to concede on (although I disagree) with both candidates?

>OK. Which ones are those?
>>The problem with McCain is the 50% of his policies and views that I strongly disagree with.
>>>I am really disappointed by all the flip flopping and pandering being done by both candidates. Obviously those by Obama are bothering me more. If he keeps this up the passion that has driven his candidacy is going to dissipate. I understand that he wants to broaden his appeal. Any wise candidate does. He just can't sell himself out in the process. I want someone who will stand up for what they believe in, not a human windsock.
>>>You may have heard that a lot of his harshest criticism is coming from his own supporters, as predicted by Charles. What's interesting is that some of it is coming on barackobama.com. A cofounder of Facebook left to join the Obama campaign and direct its web efforts. One of the things he implemented was a Facebook like feature where supporters can speak up, join discussion groups, etc. Some of them are as mad as hornets, in particular over the telecom immunity legislation, to the point that Obama had to release a response on the site. Now that's something you don't see every day, a candidate defending himself against his supporters on his own site <g>.
>>>You really haven't settled on a candidate? You sure sound like someone who is going to vote for McCain. "Not that there's anything wrong with that" <g> since we all have different reasons for choosing. McCain just seems more in tune with what you want, big military in particular.
>>>>:) We've discussed this in the past and we plainly disagree on the criteria that should be used when voting. Part of that may be attributed to nature. I do NOT discount your opinion though, I just disagree. I think in the political realm, you and Tamar appear very similar. I want to know the goal envisioned and even more importantly, I want to see all policies, views, and ideas stated clearly and spelled out. I want to know exactly how those goals will be achieved. (Probably as much from being burned in the past by leaders as due to my nature) If I understood you correctly in the past, you look at the overall goal and then weigh in your gut instinct. Maybe I'm right, maybe you are. Or maybe I'm just anal... (my family sometimes thinks so) I want specifics not buzzwords! :o) I want the candidates to sign on the dotted line...
>>>>Probably why I still haven't settled on a candidate...
>>>>Interestingly, (and this may scare you) both candidates are flip-flopping on the issues these days. Some would call it 're-evaluating their positions based on new information,' which I think we agree that any intelligent person should do. I just don't like to see one candidate referred to as smart for doing so and the other as a flip-flopper. It cuts both ways. More interestingly though is that on some of the issues Obama has 're-evaluated his position on,' I now agree with him. The problem is, which position, new or old, is the real position the candidate will take when in office? This is standard procedure in an election and how our country has been burned in the past. A conundrum... If only someone could get Obama to 're-evaluate' his tax policies!!!! :o)
>>>>>Define merit (shrug).
>>>>>Maybe others are just using different critieria than you are.
>>>>>>I agree, John. Objectively, I have nothing against Obama. But these people who try to convince themselves that he's superior on merit to McCain just astounds me. In a sane world that argument cannot be made. All I'm asking is that Obama supporters be honest and admit that they are supporting him because they are liberals/Democrats in thought and are going on pure faith alone. But they cannot even admit that!!! It's crazy.
>>>>>>>Untested is my main thought. McCain was tortured for 5 years, led a squadron, etc. I think he's been tested enough. We know very little - to nothing about Obama. I'm counting on the Hillary faction putting McCain over the top. If Obma wins, I thought about moving to a foreign country, but I think I may do something even more drastic. I may just move to Mississippi!<s>

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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