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Seymour Hersh and his war against the US
09/07/2008 20:57:53
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John, dont get me wrong. I do realize that questioning someone's patriotism is a time-worn tradition. Tis the last refuge of a scoundrel and all. You calling someone partisan is hilarious. Your claim that "no one questioned his patriotism", which requires ignoring a year and half's worth of 'patriotism' BS, is partisan. Your ridiculing of Obama's long overdue pushback as a sign of "insecurity" is partisan. Your claim that libs feel the need to "constantly state their patriotism" is also partisan. Why dont you give the patriotism cr*p a rest. It makes you look silly.

>Perhaps. And perhaps you failing to recognize time-worn campaign tactics is laughable. Obama is thrashing around with accusations and an almost hourly change in position on key issues. To me, it's incredulous that anyone can't see that, in fact, must be a willfully blind partisan. Oh wait, the constant use of "Faux"....oh yeah, a kool-aid drinker. Sucks to be a partisan, Chris. Wake up.
>>John, its a smear campaign meant to influence public opinion. Its been going on since Jan '07 when Faux did their madrassa hit piece on him, and this 'issue' had long ago reached critical mass, and he simply defended himself against them. Whether you wish to apply some arbitrary threshold of defending oneself against the smears only after some politicians have assisted in the smearing is irrelevant to his decision to defend himself. It would be stupid not to. Building on your laughable "Obama brought this up without anyone questioning his patriotism" claim, that his decision to push back "signifies insecurity" or that "they have to constantly state their patriotism" is simply more drivel. Perhaps the act of dems defending themselves against BS like this is unique to you.
>>>I don't think the "talking heads" count and I guess that's where we differ. I think it demeans Obama (or McCain for that matter) to worry about what some op-ed says. Again, I believe that he's making a statement of indignation to push a point and not really because it's a big deal. That's the way these guys deal, Chris.
>>> "Not a single news program has questioned his patriotism. Analysts have, yes..."
>>>>John, you're walking backwards by leaps and bounds. But i'm glad you finally got around to admitting it. Although you sound like Clinton with his "depends on the definition of IS is" contortions. This has been going on since Faux ran their madrassa story in Jan of '07. Pretending it hasnt is indefensible, as you have finally demonstrated. As i stated before, its delusional to claim that no one was questioning Obama's patriotism.

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