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NYT UnFair and UnBalanced - They won't Report. . . .
22/07/2008 17:15:23
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>>I agree with you Carlos has pushed some of his points too far. I also think it is useful for we Americans on the UT to read this and many other posts about the U.S. by members from other countries. Views of skepticism or outright contempt for U.S. actions and policies have become increasingly common, and they come from many different spots around the globe and from people who do not seem like bomb throwers. It would take an act of will to not see that we are less well regarded than we were a few years ago.
>Carlos original 'nazi/communist' comment was in regard of media situation I guess, because that is what JohnH originally
>throwed as comment. At least that is way I understood it.
>Second part he explained further later.
>Nobody have anything against Americans as people. Any comment you will ever read is always
>directed against US government policies. But I guess it is only human to be taken personally.
>On the other hand there is one line of opinions here which really does provoke anybody to react.
>This is an internationa forum and people from US many times forget that. How meny muslims do you see
>participating here ? Even Metin gave up <g>
>I am personally fedup with many of 'jewels' I hear here. We could wipe out (nuke) this or that, or another thing.
>Our secret agencies stage coup, or civil war, people die, but yet that is acceptable (007 spirit dies hard)
>Whereas if gov-x arrest some of those 007s bloodhanded maniac friends - they are 'rogue regime'.
>Idea 'what ever we do is justified, because it is for greater cause ...Security, democracy what not' is simply plain rubbish!
>There is no such thing as 'purpose justify means' . There is no possibly good purpose that justifies Guantanamo.
>9/11 does not justifies it, if that is some would throw here as argument. 10 OsamaBL-s does not justify Guantanamo.
>Nor even single kidnapping (rendition) or child torture if you wish.
>Carlos mentioned 10 Guantanamo's tmrw on US soil; I don't think so, but even ONE in Cuba is enough to effectively erase
>reason why Reagan was 'fit' to speak at Bradenburg gate, and Obama is not yet there. (Krauthammer forgot about it apparently)
>It takes only one stone to break glass bowl.
>Just as one Milosevic effectively put my entire nation at shame after 200 years of proud history;
>It will take years to mend the damages done by current (and past) US policy train. Milosevic was local figure, He 'only' managed to lite up Balkan in flames. Sorry, but Bush leads much bigger power into more or less simillar 'grande-dubioso' direction
>with one little diff - his 'playground' is much much bigger then Balkans!
>This 'runaway policy train' simply became general concearn everywhere. I understand that some of what I wrote might sound (again) as provocative, but I can assure that it is all written in good faith.
>We all have the same things to loose.
>I don't care, if I sound as smart as Miss America to Mr Hankey <g>, but I am still going to say it;
>(World) Peace :)

I know it is written in good faith, and thank you for writing it. I think you know I was not quibbling with your right (or anyone's) to criticize U.S. behavior but urging Americans to listen. In particular there are a lot of people -- I believe Carlos said this directly -- who actually like the U.S. but do not like some of its recent behavior and attitudes.

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