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About my WPF app to draw a Bolt Hole Pattern.
30/07/2008 17:20:34
30/07/2008 14:50:34
Information générale
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
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Thanks John... You helped me see that I could just look at PropertyChanged to do what I need, and that I need to be looking at the CurrentHolePattern.PropertyChanged, not the HolePatterns = new ObservableCollection() that I was trying to hook up. I was so focused on looking for a change to the HoleList collection and using some CollectionChanged event.

In the end, I think there will be times when you really need to be watching for a CollectionChanged event to respond to. In my current case, I can get by with knowing that a change in the HoleCount property means that the HoleList collection has been changed (at least it was supposed to be).

For now, I am moving on with Property watching, but one day I'd like to explore a lower-level monitoring of changes in the the actual HoleList colleciton to respond to.

In the end, after 5+ hours of head-banging, this has helped me realized that PropertyChanged event announcement really falls fully on the programmer to make it all work. Even though you throw a INotifyPropertyChanged interface on your class, you still have to write a few support methods, an most importantly, you must be sure to properly announce every property change so the the watchers can respond. I surely expected something a little more automatic than that.

I suppose I will find with CollectionChanged that I must also tell my class when to tell everyone else that the collection has changed. Dang it, why can't it just do that for me?

Anyway, back to my program:

I'm still adhering to the different uses that I designed between RedrawScreen() and RepaintScreen: RepaintScreen() is really only required if the HoleCount changes, because I would need to remove some Ellipses from the Canvas or add some more. So, I just clear the Canvas and start all over; whereas RepaintScreen() actually works to re-arrange (move) the Ellipses and Labels that are already there. My conceren was that it would be slow to clear-the-canvas everytime a property changed, but really it's so fast that it doesn't matter. However, I'm sticking with the model I designed just as a learning example for slightly more complex coding. I'm imagining a 10,000 element model and how would you most efficiently program for that. (Not a real case, but fun to think about)!

So here is my PropertyChanged event:
        void CurrentHolePattern_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.PropertyName == "HoleCount")
                RedrawScreen(); // Clear Canvas and re-build everything!
                RepaintScreen();//  Repaint doesn't clear out the Canvas, just updates what's already there.
>Well... I found two errors to start with.
     private void NotifyPropertyChanged(String info)
>        {
>        if (PropertyChanged != null)
>          {
>          PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));
>          //CollectionChanged was null commented it off
>          //CollectionChanged(this, new CollectionChangeEventArgs(CollectionChangeAction.Refresh, this.HoleList));
>          }
>        }
>Second was that repaint screen was not getting called. You are binding to CurrentHolePattern so:
CurrentHolePattern.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(CurrentHolePattern_PropertyChanged);
>This looks like it works:
    public Window1()
>      {
>      HolePatterns = new ObservableCollection<HolePattern>();
>      HolePatterns.CollectionChanged += new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(HolePatterns_CollectionChanged);
>      CurrentHolePattern = new HolePattern();
>      CurrentHolePattern.PatternName = "Test Pattern Name";
>      //-- Set some default values for the UI
>      CurrentHolePattern.BoltCirDia = 12.0;
>      CurrentHolePattern.HoleCount = 6;
>      CurrentHolePattern.StartAngle = 0;
>      HolePatterns.Add(CurrentHolePattern);
>      InitializeComponent();
>      CurrentHolePattern.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(CurrentHolePattern_PropertyChanged);
>      SketchX0 = canvas1.Width / 2;
>      SketchY0 = canvas1.Height / 2;
>      SketchBoltCirRad = canvas1.Width / 2 * .7;
>      CoordinateGrid.ItemsSource = CurrentHolePattern.HoleList;
>      RedrawScreen();
>      }
>    void CurrentHolePattern_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
>      {
>      RedrawScreen();
>      //RepaintScreen();  Repaint doesn't add new holes.
>      }

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