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Gangs; now I get it.
01/08/2008 01:11:42
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
31/07/2008 08:22:56
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
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>>It is well known among teens that those with the strictest parents actually do more stuff (drugs, sneak out after hours, go to parties, etc). They are considered the 'wild' kids. Surprisingly, I am considered one of the most lenient parents, but you wouldn't know that here on the UT :o)
>Yeah, the over-protective stuff might work in high school, but in college the kids go wild. I have heard amazing sad things about kids I went to high school with that were 4.0 GPAs, valedictorians, National Honor Society members, teacher's and pastors' kids, etc.

Now that would be a strange couple... but I guess it happened already. Just for the moment couldn't really figure out the distribution of genders.

As I wrote before, loitering is the kid that was thrown away with the dirty water. Generally, it's the combination of "I know what's good for you and you don't because we raised an idiot", and the distrust which grows from this overrestrictive society. Of course the kids will misbehave a lot the first chance they get, simply because they didn't have a chance before.

And it's nothing country or culture specific. I had a classmate (and so did my wife, there were maybe two such in her class) who was the top notch guy throughout all of high school... well, had a few moments when he was caught unawares and actually failed the math test once or twice, but would ace it next time. His father was a big director of something in the "industrial gigant" of our city, and... well, we all had our time to "drive our pooch", as we call it, i.e. the time being generally 10th to 12th grade, when we'd come home late at night, have parties where someone would occasionally need forced recycling of intestinal contents, strong coffee and a walk in the fresh air, had all sorts of drinks we could get our hands on (yep you could drink all you want... socialism :), and when it came to studies, know what, most of us finished on time. This guy didn't. He tried four colleges, one at a time, and eventually got to the 2nd year on the fourth one... and then told his dad he graduated.

He was somehow absent while we were having fun. He's still absent at reunions, can't be bothered to show his face.

But he was just one guy who had to live under that strict regime - no drinks, no loitering, no pranks, no nothing... now I remember we staged silent demonstrations when our classmaster would visit the boys' room and send us to have some fresh air - because there was a gentlemans' agreement that the toilet was extraterritorial, and nobody ever got caught smoking there, because there was no catching. Schoolyard, different matter. This toilet was actually our discussion club - we'd discuss, say, whether Ophelia was pregnant and whether Hamlet's mother got laid before or only after that his father became a ghost - so vigorously we'd forget to pee. Anyways, he came and ran us out, which we obeyed but with hand on the shoulder of the guy ahead, prison-style. Stuff like that was normal - we'd protest this way or another, we'd have fun outside, we'd cut class from time to time, if the professor was 10 minutes late we'd vanish (and gather for a drink all at the same place, though we took ten different routes)... all that, and know what - we almost all graduated, save for this one guy and two girls who just didn't like what they took to study.

Watching kids here, I'm amazed how disciplined they are, yet are not trusted. Once I gave a lift to a daughter's friend - the activity bus for the magnet program would take two hours to get to her place - and she called her mother to tell her about it while we were still within walking distance from the school. She got grounded for a week for doing that. Or, that a teacher letting a kid to go to pee needs to do that on paper!? Incredible - every kid is a suspect until proven differently. Its word means nothing, a signed piece of paper trumps it every time. The list goes on and on. Humiliated on every step.

Of course they will go wild when they get the chance. I would.

back to same old

the first online autobiography, unfinished by design
What, me reckless? I'm full of recks!
Balkans, eh? Count them.

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