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Be the First to Know Who the VP Will Be
15/08/2008 18:04:35
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>>>>>>I just don't agree with your statement. I think it's just plain silly. It appears you are pandering to the geeks out there and this is just plain intellectually laziness. Can't you find something else to disagree with him on? Even though Obama has been extremely vague on his positions, McCain has not. I'm sure there are a multitude of policies you disagree with. I just think that it doesn't matter whether or not the new president is a blackberry addict; there are more important issues out there.
>>>>>After all the filthy rich candidates who seriously went through the motions and staged elaborate photo ops with hardhats and blue collars, there's finally one who's subtly pandering to the geeks, and sending a discrete "you aren't that important this time" to the rednecks. The subtlety is there only because a no-brainer would insult the target audience ;).
>>>>I've never considered blackberry use or putting up one of them new fangled 'website' things to be pandering, and i've been known to enjoy a PBR once in a while... after driving the pickup with ol' Blue out to the millpond.
>>>Maybe we're reading too much into this. The guy could be using these gadgets regularly, for his own use and habit, not with any ulterior motives. They caught him with a blackberry when he thought he had a moment to make a private call, big deal. If that worked out as pandering to the geeks, well, the PR team could claim the intent after the fact :).
>>That the guy flaunts his ability to turn on a PC (or a cell phone), it just reeks of pure calculation and scorched-earth campaigning ;)
>You're right of course. After all it could be worse. He could call a gas tax holiday a 'gimmick' but later promise a rebate check;

Imho, that was a bad idea, as was the gas tax holiday gimmick, as was the bush tax rebate check.

> he could pander to hispanics by promising amnesty to law-abiding illegal immigrants (hmmmm, is there such a thing? doesn't illegal negate law abiding?);

Whole lotta pandering going on. Consider JM's new position that he would no longer vote for the year-old McCain-Kennedy bill.

> his wife could have killed a research project on the human papillomavirus because of sensitivity to the widespread mistaken belief in the black community that that such research abuses blacks;

Had not heard that one. She killed it? A committee she was on killed it? Someone doing the killing actually stated the above as the reason for the killing?

> he could have opposed Kyl-Lieberman, used it for months in his campaign, and then turned and used the same language when in Israel;

I hadnt followed closely the language he used when he spoke to the Israeli lobby.. or when in Israel. But reading a BO spokesman reply regarding the K-L vote...

Senator Obama clearly recognizes the serious threat posed by Iran. However, he does not agree with the president that the best way to counter that threat is to keep large numbers of troops in Iraq, and he does not think that now is the time for saber-rattling towards Iran. In fact, he thinks that our large troop presence in Iraq has served to strengthen Iran - not weaken it. He believes that diplomacy and economic pressure, such as the divestment bill that he has proposed, is the right way to pressure the Iranian regime. Accordingly, he would have opposed the Kyl-Lieberman amendment had he been able to vote today.

... i agree with that statement. I recall that the language in the K-L amendment sounded vaguely familiar to what happened with the Iraq vote... back in the day.

> he could be supporting capital punishment for non-murder offenses; he could be claiming those who don't want him elected don't want to see him on a dollar bill without any evidence of any such thing;

I dont recall anyone saying they didnt want to see him on a dollar bill, but that he looks different than those that are, playing on the year's worth of "radical muslim, manchurian candidate, koran-swearing" patriotism smears coming from the right that gained lots o' traction.

> he could be pandering to black americans by claiming that republicans will launch racial attacks against him without any evidence of it being so...

I think there's plenty of evidence that he's been smeared per my comment above. Staying in Wright's church didnt help the cause. ;)

>Oh wait a minute, all of that really did happen...

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