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McCain is IN
21/08/2008 21:37:09
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Very interesting.....I have to admit that I have to think about this one a bit before I can offer a coherent response.

>I've previously stated that I believe McCain will win in an electoral landslide if Obama was chosen as the nominee, so I'm not blazing a new path here, however, I think the choice of Lieberman expedites the process. We both understand Obama's weakness as a candidate so I'll focus on the benefit vs. detriment of a Lieberman choice for McCain.
>McCain has been enjoying a recent trend in polling in his direction as more people start paying attention to the election, however, for the most part the general public doesn't really engage until the conventions or even moreso, after Labor Day.
>The timing of the conventions works in McCain's favor and if he chooses Lieberman and manages the timing properly the boost will be substantial. The Republican convention takes place after the Dems and therefore is fresher in the general public's mind. McCain takes center stage with the first cross party ticket since Lincoln and they get a week to point out the experience and difference this ticket would bring to politics as usual. This effectively kills Obama's message of unity and change.
>The only drawback to Lieberman resides in the threat of the single-issue anti-abortion right who are already wary of McCain and this will tip the balance where they won't show up on election day. However, this will be offset by the disgruntled Hillary Dems and the majority of moderates in this country who are genuinely looking for a change in Washington. For the Hillary Dems, this presents an acceptable moderate Republican ticket which they can support in order to get Hillary another shot in 2012. For the moderates, McCain is a well liked politician whose been bucking the trend in Washington for years. The silly notion that he's W's 3rd term is easily dispatched by fact and voting history, which is why that message has been abandoned by the Dems. Lieberman further erodes that idea since he has recently gone independent after being thrown under the bus by the party he devoted his life to. This would be the true "change" ticket.
>I don't believe any of Obama's choices for veep come close to being this dramatic and if the announcement is timed properly, like the day of Obama's acceptance speech, the news cycle will be split and the momentum will be all McCain.
>There's a great deal of information regarding specific voting blocks and how the Lieberman choice will benefit, however, I think their obvious to an astute observer.
>All this being said, I don't think McCain will make this choice as the Republican party leaders are scared to death of the religious right.
>>How so? Genuinely curious.
>>>>McCain pulls ahead by 5 points.
>>>If McCain chooses Lieberman as his running mate I think this thing is over.
John Koziol, ex-MVP, ex-MS, ex-FoxTeam. Just call me "X"
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" - Hunter Thompson (Gonzo) RIP 2/19/05

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