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Pawlenty ?
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McCain just eviscerated the Democratic party with his VP selection. The women are going to flock to her!!!!! I see McCain winning 350 electoral votes......

>But enough about the Broncos' 2007 season, John <g>.
>Last night I was fast forwarding through the convention coverage to Obama's speech and stopped for a couple of minutes when they were reporting some current polls from battleground states. Of course it's still relatively early and this can all change, but they were looking pretty good for Obama. McCain leads by only one point in Colorado, a state that has reliably gone Republican in recent years. Obama is ahead by 5 points in New Mexico, another traditionally red state he hopes to pick off. He is ahead by 5 in Pennsylvania, which obviously will be crucial (along with Ohio and Florida). One of the analysts made what I thought was an excellent point. He said overall national polls aren't that important. 10-12 states are again going to decide the election.
>This is guesswork this early, two months out, but I see Obama winding up with 320-330 electoral votes.
>>Yeah, a vote for anyone other than McCain , is a vote for Obama. That will not be good. I'm still thinking McCain will win this thing going away. Now, I've got to go to Denver and defuncify Mile High Stadium. It has been desecrated!
>>>I think all the choices are interesting, but not necessarily good.
>>>- I agree with you on Pawlenty
>>>- Lieberman is interesting. It would help swing some of the undecided Democrats and maybe some Hillary supporters, but would cause McCain to lose the vote of the religious right.
>>>- Romney has lots of financial background, but again, would lose vote of religious right (and McCain's mom *G*).
>>>- Tom Ridge would solidify the Democrat's claim that McCain is nothing more than another Bush/Cheney.
>>>- Someone the other day said on Twitter that they thought Condie Rice would be the choice. That would help counter Obama's African American campaigning and counter Joe Biden's forgein affairs experience, but add nothing to help with concerns that McCain has little economic experience.
>>>Biden was a fantastic choice for the Democrats. It took care of alot of criticism of Obama's inexperience. I don't see that there is anyone the Republicans can pick that is the perfect running mate.
>>>>I certainly hope not. Pawlenty has the credentials but he's not recognized nationally so you have to educate the voters before anything else and the voters are more fixated on the Messiah at the present time.
>>>>My wife and I discussed this whole thing tonight and we're seriously thinking of going back to our political roots and voting for Bob Barr, Libertarian. I'm just getting more and more disgusted by the pandering, lying major candidates.
John Harvey

"I'm addicted to placebos. I could quit, but it wouldn't matter." Stephen Wright

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