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It's PALIN !
02/09/2008 03:50:32
01/09/2008 10:05:20
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>>Can you point to particular set of policies by Obama that you have particular problem with?
>>If Obama speeches are 'vague' , then what made you so distinctively angry ???

>I will leave alone his speeches and changing his position to suit his audience, because you didn't ask about that (and it has been posted numerous times) and focus on a couple of his proposed policies against those of Clinton's:

I have read all of this below but still these are just campaign issues, nothing to warant quoting A.H. in association with him.
Now if those quotes are tought in highschools, I find it extremely good. Perhaps chilldren in the future will know to
recognise big lies as they are served to them by 'Murdochian' media.

I am however dissapointed on Obama big time, after he took Biden on board as VP. That means exactly 'no change'
on foreign policy track (just as if Hilary won nomination). Add to it his promises for new defence/military spendings
and you are left with merely 'C' out of 'Change'. By doing so, he already failed to deliver at his 'anti-lobbying' promises.
First big energy crises will proabably have him dance with BigOil as well. So what will be left there as plan for real change ?

Unless he is planning to introduce some radical, groundbreaking changes in horticultural/agricultural policies (!) to justify for that remaining 'hange' he promised, as it seems You will be indeed voting for 'McSame', weather his name is Obama or McCain <g>

>Clinton was proposing new tax credits for savings, tuition, health care, elderly care and renewable energy use. Her retirement tax credit would match the first $1,000 saved by couples making less than $60,000. For those making between $60,000 and $100,000, the match would be 50 cents on the dollar.
>Obama's view is that many people will not take advantage of tax credits (as some do not take advantage of 401(k) savings plans). Obama wants to force employers to take money from the employee's wages and deposit them on behalf of the employee into a savings account. Obama proposes a $1000 tax cut for those in the bottom 90%.
>Clinton's medical plan would have covered every single American. Obama's does not. Clinton's was mandatory, Obama's is not. Obama's plan requires employers to share the cost of providing medical insurance and he plans require them to provide the same coverage federal employees receive but will pay for it by taxing the wealthier families.
>Obama stated clearly that he would talk to dictators without preconditions, Clinton would not. Discourse is crucial, but it cannot be without preconditions.
>Clinton wanted to leave Iraq in a responsible manner - over a period of time as the Iraqis became stronger and more capable of maintaining their democracy - but she also wanted to force more action by the Iraqi government in that direction.
>Obama initially wanted to bring the troops home as soon as he entered office (I heard this myself). Later, here in NC to the military in a speech he modified his position to that of Clinton's. His position has since been modified even more over the course of the electoral race.
>Clinton has always stated she would maintain the status quo of peace through strength. She would not take the threat of any repercussion off the table.
>Obama has stated he wanted a nuclear free world and would immediately start removing the U.S. nuclear arms. He was going to draw down the military force. He has since modified his position to that of Clinton's and in his Democratic nominee acceptance speech, even stated he wanted a stronger military. In his recent speeches in local events he stated that a nuclear option would not be taken off the table (a complete reversal) as it is a means of deterrent.
>He supported NAFTA to the Canadians and stated he didn't want to change it then during the race reversed his position completely. What he told the Canadians compared to what he states in speeches is not the issue, but it does make it extremely difficult to determine where he stands on the issue. I really do not know at this point how he feels about trade agreements.
>Obama's foreign policy advisor has contacted Hamas. No mention in the mainstream media of this. He spoke about removing support from Israel and placing more support for Palestine but then completely reversed his opinion when speaking in Israel and here to Jews.
>Initially Iran was no threat at all (from his own words) and now Iran is a 'grave threat to this country.'
>During the South Carolina debate Obama claimed he voted against a limit on credit card interest rates because the limit was too high, and then Edwards turned around and asked him "you voted against a credit card interest limit because it was too high?"
>Obama's reversal on his FISA position was downright scary. That's been posted enough here that I won't add to it, but it was a major concern for many.
>On abortion: no comment here, I agree with his position EXCEPT when for late term and when a fetus is born alive (live birth), then I strongly and vehemently disagree.
>Campaign Finance: This is such a mess that I won't go into it. Obama should be ashamed. (If you are interested, read the article in the Atlantic)
>Cuba: His position is downright scary (again).
>Gay Marriage: I agree with Obama on this issue.
>Global Warming: His plan to have a carbon auction for businesses to bid for the right to pollute...I simply cannot believe it.
>Housing: a 20 billion dollar plan to help homeowners and a tax credit that amounts to 10% of the annual mortage.
>Immigration: Obama voted for amnesty for all illegal immigrants once they became fluent in English and paid back taxes and fines. He supported the fence (I'm somewhat in agreement with this issue but I think in addition we really need to stop illegal immigration and incorporate a guest worker program which would allow more to come here legally and help pay for their being here)
>Social Security: this issue is so ridiculous I think you should read it for yourself. I am amazed.
>Stem cell research: relax restrictions (I agree)
>Taxes: Obama wants to raise income taxes on the wealthiest and their capital gains and dividends taxes but he never states who are the 'wealthiest.' He will raise corporate taxes (I disagree with this - it is the reason so many move overseas and ours is one of the highest in the world). He proposes over 80 billion in tax breaks for the poor and elderly and that includes raising the Earned Income Tax Credit for minimum wage workers and incorporating a higher credit for larger families. He doesn't specify who falls into this category though so every voter assumes that he/she does. He wants to remove the requirement for the elderly to file their taxes if they make less than 50,000/yr but he doesn't remove their requirement to pay. I am somewhat confused by his policy - I wish it was more specific then I may actually support it. The problem here is that many of his policies will be paid by taxes so where will the money come from?
>That is enough for now, there are more worrying issues of his to look at, but his policies are available here:
>Warning, it should come as no surprise I guess, but his position on the issues has CHANGED over the past couple of months. They are not the same as when I reviewed them 3 months ago. I guess that is indeed CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN. :o)
Srdjan Djordjevic
Limassol, Cyprus

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