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Favourite Film Quotes
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Okay, I'm gonna show my extreme bizzaro-humored geek side here, but these are my personal favorites:

- Star Trek: First Contact -- "You do remember how to fire phasers?" (Riker talking to Worf)
(and the look Worf gives him back cracks me up EVERY time I see it -- no words are necessary)
- Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home -- "Are you sure it isn't time for another colorful metaphor?" (Spock to Kirk)
- same movie: "One damn minute, Admiral" (Spock to Kirk again)
- Blue Thunder: "This thing is nose-heavier than the Ayatollah" (Roy Scheider, the first time he flies the new chopper)
- Blazing Saddles: "You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons". (Gene Wilder to Cleavon Little)
- same movie: "Ooh, baby, you are so talented! And they are so DUMB!" (Cleavon Little, after he holds his own gun to his head)
- same movie: "Excuse me while I whip this out..." (everyone cowers and a lady screams)
- Raiders of the Lost Ark: "I don't know, I'm makin' this up as I go" (Harrison Ford, on the hill after he blows up the airplane)
- Die Hard 2: "Dammit...I hate it when I'm right..." (Bruce Willis, just before he confronts the attack team in the spare terminal)
- Spaceballs: "I hate it when my schwartz gets twisted..." (Rick Moranis, while laser-fighting with Bill Pullman)
- same movie: "Thank you for pressing the self-destruct button"...(the bright female computer voice)

I'm sure I'll think of others later...these are just some of the ones I quote regularly.

>I bet there'll be many of these. Some of mine are:
>From "Wild Boys" (and I know I haven't got it quite right) the younger bro says to his older vampire bro something like: "You're a sh!t-suckin' vampire ... and I'm tellin' Mom!"
>Of course there's the oft misquoted, "... Sierra Madre": "Badges?! ... We ain't ..."
>from the 1970s "the Thing", where the severed head sprouts spider legs and runs across the floor. The dope-smoking guy looks at it and says "You gotta be f***ing kidding!"
>One of my faves I just heard watching "Vertical Limit" last week. The hero wants to go up the mountain to save his sister and, of necessity, take some nitroglycerin up with him. One of the other climbers says like:
>"Let's get this straight. You're gonna climb the mountain with a pack of nitro on your back, and hope it doesn't get jogged? 100 million sperm and you were the fastest!?"
Evan Pauley, MCP
Positronic Technology Systems LLC
Knoxville, TN

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