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World wants Obama as president: poll
11/09/2008 15:49:09
11/09/2008 15:37:51
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>>>>>>>It's always seemed daft to me, this 8 year limit on power, and, indeed, the automatic 4 years of staying in power. Here a PM can be elected as many times as she can win, but equally can be ousted mid-5-year-term.
>>>>>>The idea is to not have politicians worrying about elections, campaigns, and who they have to bribe/smear/destroy too often. They can plan on a 4 year cycle.
>>>>>>The 8 year limit is designed to keep someone from becoming entrenched as president where they have managed to seal out the opposition. It's too bad that doesn't apply to senators and congressmen.
>>>>>>This also follows mention in another thread about why don't we have a presidential election when a president kicks off in office. Again, the idea is to allow the government to maintain some functionality rather than stopping the presses for more campaigning.
>>>>>Perhaps some reshaping of that system would do good for US as a country...
>>>>>No matter how democratic does system appear, fact is that you had father & the son ruling country
>>>>>for 16 years, and if HRC won nomination (and presumably two of consecutive ellections) you would have been having situation
>>>>>where two families run country for consecutive 32 years. Before that Reagan was President twice.
>>>>>Beside there is only two relevant parties out there running country for past what ... two centuries ?
>>>>>Some cynics might further claim that this is barely twice better then Saudi Arabia where one family is running country forever.
>>>>>Way to saturated political system.
>>>>>Not to say to constipated, because if I do, then someone migh add that it takes laxative size of Alaska to
>>>>>uhmm... get things goin' ? :0)
>>>>I'm out of date, but doesn't the president, prime minister, and legislative assembly all serve five-year terms of office in Cyprus?
>>>Yes but system is much more diverse. There is 3 major and 4 or 5 smaller parties which always contribute in actual government.
>>>Also here they have very powerfull national cauncil where all of them meet and discuss important things etc.
>>>Of course no system is perfect, but for country as small as Cyprus that is quiet a bit of diversity.
>>One great advantage of 2-party system, essentially assured by British-born majoritary elections, is that it helps to keep radical fringes out of voting contest.
>What happens when main streams turn radical ?

They select Reid, Pelosi and Obama to lead the party... http://www.instantrimshot.com/
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