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The Smears Continue
12/09/2008 09:40:46
12/09/2008 09:32:06
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I listened to the speech and I was actually posting my impression, not the intention, because I don't know the intention. It is easy to say afterwards 'what I was referring to was...' to clarify or to deflect. Who knows?

>I heard the fish comment was referring to Palin's nickname "barracuda".
>Obama didn't meant any insult with either the pig or the fish remark, although if you listen to the reaction of his audience's you would have thought he did. I think at that point, when his followers cheered, he should have said something.
>>My first impression was that Obama was indeed referring to Palin with the pig remark and he was referring to McCain with the fish remark. Somehow the second remark got lost in the media broo ha ha over the pig remark. Then I thought to myself , he is so intelligent, how could he think he would get away with that? Which was followed immediately with either it was indeed unintentional (and he is not as intelligent as people think) or he really is that intelligent and planned it out all the way to him being the victim in end. Go figure... both are scary options if he is elected, but then we've had some pretty 'unintelligent' people become president who were scary and some pretty intelligent people become president who were scary.
>>>This is one of the reasons I call hard-core Democrats "ankle-biters". They don't have the political courage to be in your face so they resort to these sort of tricks thinking that it leaves them a trapdoor to escape from when caught out.
>>>Also, whiny, hysterical, intolerant, and mean-spirited are good words as well for the ankle-biters. Conservative media begs liberal candidates to come on their forums but the ankle-biters are afraid to give conservatives a forum (yes, Oprah, I mean you). It shows a lack of courage of their convictions.
>>>Ankle-biters are also myopic. Good, reasonable people like Tamar and Mike Beane will throw logic completely out the door when opining politically if it interferes with their world-view. It's not that they can't entertain another point of view logically, it's like a door to an alternate universe that's closed to them. They literally can't see alternative viewpoints.
>>>I think, perhaps, it explains things like Obama's gaffe and the medias relentless attacks on Palin. They're pissing off most of America but are incapable of realizing it. Good for the rest of us, I guess.
>>>>>If you say so. But, c'mon, Tamar, considering Palins signature line about pitbulls and lipstick, you have to admit that there was an attempt to use that old phrase in linkage. It defies logic to think otherwise unless you would be more willing to consider it a huge gaffe and poor judgment. The crowd at the time certainly got the "joke" and reference and no amount of willful blindness on partisan Democrats part can change that. Unless you also have a bizarro-world explanation for the crowd's reaction and that I'd really like to hear.
>>>>>I'm perfectly willing to overlook slips of the tongue (or else I'd have a lot of fun with Biden) but claiming that this *wasn't* a clumsy attempt to insult Palin strains credulity.
>>>>Liberals are sooo steeped in political correctness, they absolutely know what Obama was doing, and HE know what he was doing. Someone else saying that old joke prior to Sarah's joke would have meant nothing. However, since she made the joke, both Obama and Biden felt the need to invoke pigisms into their speeches.
>>>>They knew, they just didn't think there would be a firestorm over it. Hahahaha - it serves them right for being sexist PIGS!!!!

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
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"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
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