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The Second American Revolution
25/09/2008 23:03:45
24/09/2008 09:20:37
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It's more like a final line being crossed.

For many years now I've watched the Republicans preach smaller government and then grow it and look the other way while businesses pursued unethical policies. I've watched Democrats promote class and race war to create divisions for political advantage while putting money in their back pockets through cozy deals with 527 groups and untraceable PACs.

This year, I've seen a good man and genuine hero get slimed while a shadowy, unvetted newcomer gets a bye because he's black and the press either loves him or is afraid of being accused of racism. The press has run off the rails and become again the yellow journalists of the Hearst era.

Pink Floyd had a song called "Sheep" and it reminds me of the current political realm in the USA.

CNN had a poll yesterday asking who was to blame for the current fiscal crisis. The poll "winner" was Bush, with 42% of the vote. It points up to the general ignorance of the American people that this number could be that high. Something I can't understand is the idiocy of our voting public when they blame a President for the economy. The President chooses a Treasury Secretary and sometimes a Chairman of the Federal Reserve, both with Congressional approval, and then decides which bills to sign into law or to veto. Besides that, he has very little direct interaction with the economy.

Congress has direct oversight over the economy, sponsors bills, and is supposed to manage governmental agencies and legislative compliance. Congress! Not the President. But our dumb-ass, ill-informed electorate reads the media bites without ever being serious about being well-informed and it's suddenly the Boss's fault.

The American electorate does not take their responsibilities as citizens seriously and are lazy. Politicians know this and throw out deceitful soundbites to get elected. So we end up with a bunch of ambitious, lying scumbags in Washington.

We need a second Revolution so bad it's painful. It's not a problem isolated to Dems or a problem with the GOP - it's a problem with the system and it's too broke to fix.

>You did not start revolution for all that happened in the past, but you would do it for lame 700b of freshly printed green coupons ?
>Not much harm there; they might not even print them. They will simply wire more binaries.
>>Is it far-fetched for me to start contemplating a Second Revolution? The Founding Fathers, in the Federalist Papers and other writings, made it clear that they expected a periodic uprising against the federal government when the feds became too powerful and too neglectful of the common citizen. With the bailouts and the steady move to socialism in this country, aren't we way over the line of what would have been acceptable to the individualists the Framers were?
>>Seriously, with the bipartisan gridlock and gotchas, the difference in both major parties between what is said and what is done, what hope is there of returning to ideals and not a buncha jerks political expediency?
>>Really, there is no hope. It's getting close to the time to rise up and reclaim the country and can these bast@rds. The Founding Fathers knew that this time would come; that's why they made DC a helpless demilitarized zone.
John Koziol, ex-MVP, ex-MS, ex-FoxTeam. Just call me "X"
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" - Hunter Thompson (Gonzo) RIP 2/19/05

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