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How to remove a page from a PF at design time
06/10/2008 10:51:35
General information
Visual FoxPro
Forms & Form designer
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows 2008 Server
MS SQL Server
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Glad you got it working! :o)

>Thanks for Tracy, Gregory, Jim, & Dragon for responding to my original posting. You have given me some good ideas.
>Here is how I finally worked this out.
>1. First, with a little better planning I wouldn't have gotten myself into this problem.
>2. My problem:, I had created a PageFrame class and defined it to have 11 pages (actually named each one), and specified the MemberClass and MemberClass library for the pages of my pageframe. Then, I instantiated this pageframe class as a pageframe on one of my forms. I then proceeded to rearrange the pages, and populate them.
>3. After many weeks of working with this form, I realized that I didn't need 2 of those pages. But, I had a circular problem: I couldn't delete those 2 pages because they were defined in the class. But, if I deleted them from the class, the form designer could not read the form because the pageframe now conflicted with its class definition.
>4. My solution:
> a. Edit the pageframe in the form and move the pages I wanted to remove to the end of the pageframe: number 10 & 11
> b. Edit my pageframe class and rearrange the pages so that they were in the same order as the pageframe in my form.
> c. Edit the pageframe class and reduce the pagecount from 11 to 9.
> d. Edit my SCX file using HackForm. Find the pageframe (pfMain). Edit it's properties and remove all references to the two pages
> that I removed from my pageframe class. (Fortunately, all references to pages of a pageframe are contained in the Properties
> of the pageframe.) Close & save the changes.
> e. At this point, the form is modifiable by VFP Form Designer.
>>I have a form with a page frame and 11 pages on it. The page frame is based on my own class, and the MemberClass and MemberClassLibrary for the pages on the pageframe are set in the properties of my pageframe class.
>>I recently ran into trouble attempting to remove 2 of the pages from that pageframe using the form designer.
>>When I tried deleting the pages directly from the form I got a message saying I couldn't do that because they were members of a class.
>>So, in the form designer I moved the 2 pages I didn't want to the end, and then edited the pageframe class to reduce the pagecount from 11 to 9.
>>But, then I was not able to then open the form in the form designer. I got an Error loading file message saying for one of the objects on one of the pages in the pageframe: Error loading file - record number 130. pfProjSubjDetail {or one of its membres}. Parent: object class is invalid for this container.
>>Note that pfProjSubjDetail is a another pageframe on one of the pages of the pageframe class that I had just edited. But, not one of the 2 pages that I was attempting to delete.
>>I went back and edited my pageframe class again, and changed the pagecount from 9 to 11, but I got the same error.
>>I was able to get myself out of this by restoring the library containing my pageframe class definition from a backup tape.
>>So, how do I remove these pages?
>>Thanks for your thoughts,

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