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VP debate
06/10/2008 10:55:26
06/10/2008 09:13:48
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>>>>>>>>I am tired and going to bed. Just watched the debate and think they both did better than I expected. As an Obama supporter I am a lot more comfortable with Biden as VP than I was. He made his points without being strident or longwinded. And Palin, although she showed her inexperience at times, especially on foreign policy, was not as incompetent as I feared. Not sure it was any kind of game changer, just good to feel better about both candidates.
>>>>>>>Personally, I thought it would have been nice if she'd answered a few more of the questions put to her instead of sidestepping into her 'hockey mom straight talk'.
>>>>>>Oh, definitely. But she seemed to really be targeting blue collar voters who are fed up with Washington. That answer she gave Biden about "I may not answer questions the way you and the moderator want me to" (paraphrased) was a shot at Washington elites and media elites And from what I heard on a conservative talk radio station yesterday that line went over well.
>>>>>Did they notice that, while true that she may not have answered the way the elite wanted, she in fact, didn't answer at all?
>>>>>I can't recall who said it, that if I want a brain operation, I want a surgeon with the best skills. Same with a politician. If you just want somebody you can sit and have a beer with, get some friends instead.
>>>>Here is another perspective:
>>>I can't believe that people think she's so super human that she will be able to circumvent the entire system and do whatever she wants, however she wants and whenever she wants. Bottom line for me is that if people are happy with the idea that the fact that she's a hockey mom and can drink beer qualifies her to be Veep (or possible even President), then great. It's your country.
>>>If it were me, I'd have preferred that she gave a few more straight answers to the political questions put to her in the debate so her other qualifications could be analysed. But then, I'm apparently biased.
>>Yea... apparently you are... and what's the point to repeat it so often. Could you answer more practical question, by the way? Do you vote for Liberals or for New Democrats?
>I could never vote for the NDP - at least not with the leadership they now have (actually, I've never voted for that party - imho they are way too out of touch with reality). I haven't decided yet if I'll vote liberal. At this point, I'm guessing not, but I'll wait and see if they change my mind before the election (probably not). Because of the way Elizabeth May handled herself in the recent debate, I might (repeat might) end up voting for the Green party even though I know they haven't any real chance of forming the government. I just felt she was the only one who seemed to give answers that were straight and to the point without dancing around using weasel words to pretend to answer without really doing so.

Actually, I asked about your past preferences, and it is still unclear. Your message indicates that you never voted before and just now you are willing to vote for Greens. Frankly, I cannot believe that you have never voted, but I would still ask you to confirm if it is true.
Edward Pikman
Independent Consultant

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