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Hail Mary in glasses
07/10/2008 16:34:09
07/10/2008 16:16:49
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>>>>>Almost the entire media is pro-Obama, Tamar. Even when they're not they are afraid of being labelled racist if they dare question his background. Ayers and Obama were close enough if Obama knew of his background. And, of course, he knew. And then there's Wright....and Rezko.....any of these sort of associations would have been screamed to the skies by the media if it involved McCain or Palin.
>>>>So I'm sure you're equally disturbed by Sarah Palin's association with the Alaska Independence Party and its leader, right?
>>>Ms. Palin remained a Republican and never joined the Alaskan Independence Party, but returned to its convention in 2006 to speak as candidate for governor. After she had been elected, she recorded a video greeting that was played at the party convention this year. “Good luck on a successful and inspiring convention,” she said. “Keep up the good work, and God bless you.”
>>>Has the Alaskan Independence Party been declared a terrorist organization?
>>The issue here is guilt _by association_. The fact that she wasn't a member is irrelevant in that argument. Her husband was a member and she went to conventions and recorded a greeting for them this year. I've watched that video--it's not as innocuous as your quote above: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwvPNXYrIyI. When I listen, I hear her trying to say "I agree with you" without people who aren't members understanding. Maybe I've over-reading, but that's how it comes across.
>>The founder of the AIP was Joe Vogler. Among other things, he said "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. And I won't be buried under their damn flag."
>>So, playing the guilt by association game, what exactly is Sarah Palin's relationship with this party? Does she agree with Vogler? Does she agree with the party's goals?
>>All that said, I don't (yet) see a smoking gun, but I think Palin's involvement with this party is far more relevant and needs to be explored far more than Obama's incidental association with Ayers.
>A little more on the AIP and Palin

The problem with this is :

1. Sarah Palin never was a member.
2. Vogler died in 1993.

Todd Palin is not running. He is just her spouse. That party is not considered a terrorist organization but a political party regardless of Vogler's statements. I can see why someone felt it necessary to murder him. To my knowledge, no one performed any terrorist activities. The party is not racist or anti-American either, is it? Just separatist. I don't hold it against any Alaskan for belonging to a party that favors separation from the U.S. That is not the same thing as terrorism, violence, or attempting to bring about the downfall of the U.S. To my knowledge, they just want to autonomy.

Still, she is now out. The association of her husband alone will ruin her.

I guess Obama should be out then as well since his brother is trying to bring about sharia law in Kenya?


"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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