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Gee, I wonder which party has the most felon voters
14/10/2008 02:10:39
Walter Meester
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>>>>>>>>>Florida has over 30,000 felons registered to vote, which is in violation of Florida law. The story says Ds outnumber Rs by 2 to 1. I'll bet that is new math. My experience says it's more like 100 to 1. More to follow. . . .
>>>>>>>>I have to admit I'm a bit amazed that any state has a law that says a citizen can't vote. 10 states have this sort of law - astonishing.
>>>>>>>Don't do tha crime, if ya can't do tha time, don't do it! . . . .
>>>>>>According to the article 25,000 of the 30,000 have done their time. Do you want to go on punishing them? Not baiting you, honest question.
>>>>>The answer is they should follow the law. In Tennessee, they can vote again, if they go before the court that convicted them and petition for a restoration of rights. Oh, and they have to stay out of jail. These thugs in Florida haven't done what they are supposed to do, so they should not be allowed to vote. Personally, once a person has served their time, and gone through the procedures, I have no problem. It's about following the law, not the party, or the fact they are criminals. However, if they ever get another felony convictioin, I think they should be exiled to the middle of the ocean.
>>>>Sounds like Tennessee is one of the 10 states, then. Isn't the norm that a felon has voting rights, without needing to petition for it, after serving their sentence, probation, and parole? We probably disagree but I think that's as it should be. Ex-cons can get driver's licenses. They can open businesses. They can go to college. They can pay taxes, I darn sure bet. But they can't vote? Come on.
>>>As I stated earlier, they just have to petition the court, where they were senteneced. I guess the judges want to look them in the eyes or something. Also, consider that we have an 80% recidivism rate in this country, so these fine upstanding citizens, will probably be going back to prison, and then it is both a moot and a mute point!
>>If you took the time to read the earlier link to the time magazine article you'll find that it's not a simple process - and even if it was this would have to be a great example of a complete waste of time and tax-payer dollars and ignorant legal red-tape.
>>Interesting that we DO have an 80% recidivism rate here in the USA, and based on what I've read in the past I think that number is about right. How does that compare with other countries? And why do you think it's so high?
>I think it's because we have so many democrats. They tend to lean toward crime vs work, and illegal stuff like signing up thousands of people to vote, who don't exist, and anything else they can do to steal an election. But, that's just my humble opinion!

LOLROFL... you die hard republicans do not have a clue do you?? This is so enforcing the view on the total ingnorance on such matters. All western countries are far more social and have less crime. The R's are the problem here. About everytime there is a political scandal, its arround some republican. The extreme right wing, really is out of touch with reality.

And stealing the election... The R's have a great history doing that. Bush sr. stole the election with "Read my lips, no more taxes". The elections in 2000 are riddled with irregularities of exactly those illegal votes in florida.

And let us look at the record of 8 years bush.
2 endless wars in the war against terror, and the lies to start them, and the high number of innocent casulties.
Americans image in the outside world at an all time low
Record high trade deficit and national debt
Financial crisis in america overflows the rest of the world, millions of americans lose their house, job etc.
Declining economy growth
Violation of human rights having a big mouth about china
Ever high crime rates
A president with the IQ of a peanut which really is a puppet of the top of the R's which of course will stay in power when mcCain will win the elections.
Not signing Kyoto while having a big mouth of chinas poluting economy

If you now don't understand why the rest of the world doesn't see those cowboy R's as ignorant and arrogant idiots, then I'd guess you'd fit exactly in there. To me personally the US, except for its economy (which I will have to see how it will recover from the financial crisis) is one big third world country. The bush era marks one dark spot in history.

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