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Is paddling (with a paddle) child abuse?
29/10/2008 09:19:24
29/10/2008 09:15:49
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>>>>>>Two whacks on the butt doesn't sound all that bad to me. My mom used to whack us on the hand with a hair brush ... nobody screamed "child abuse" in those days. I turned out ok despite the "abuse", as did the rest of my sisters.
>>>>>Sorry Bonnie, but even one is too much. My parents never once hit any of the three of us - never even threatened to. We all turned out ok too. Well... my sister's a bit of a flake, but she's not hurting anybody, and she works for a living etc, so for the most part, she's ok.
>>>>>Is it ok to hit adults who do things you don't like? Or is it only ok to hit children?

>>>>Do you have kids? If so, you may remember how frustrating they can be sometimes ... I can't honestly say that I never swatted my kids once in awhile. I didn't say it was ok though ... I know all the psychology stuff that says it sets a bad example for kids and that it sends the wrong message ... but arresting the guy for child abuse just seems a bit over the top, don't ya think?
>>>No, I don't. How else to make sure he gets the point? Besides, it will be up to a jury to decide. If they opt for guilty, it will be up to a judge to decide on a sentence which likely wouldn't amount to anything at all. Hopefully, they will find him guilty and he'll get a suspended sentence, and learn a lesson.
>>>Personally, I'd have been much happier if, after hitting them with a paddle, the cop would have whopped him upside the head with the same paddle, but they probably aren't allowed to do that.
>>Most likely he will be sentenced to attend parenting classes which are appropriate.
>>In most cases, spanking is considered child abuse if it causes physical or mental harm. There are some states which do not allow any force to be used against a child - even a swat on the butt or a slap on the arm. I have a friend who went to court over a swat on the arm in the grocery store witnessed by someone. In most states, bruising can be considered physical harm. Some people bruise very easily. My daughter's best friend does and it was worrisome when she was small. When the girls were running and jumping and just playing, she would get bruises. She was tested many times to ensure she didn't have cancer or any disease. In most cases though, bruising is just not there after spanking or a swat on the hand.
>>Things are not like the days (years and years ago) when spanking with branches or paddles was almost the norm.
>>I spanked my daughter twice and both times with my hand on her bottom. Once she was small and ran towards the street so fast I couldnt' stop her and I was screaming my head off while I was running to stop her. When I finally caught up with her, she got a good swat on the bottom. It was more a shock factor than anything else to get her attention. The 2nd time was in the grocery store when she stood up in the shopping cart and started jumping. I almost had a heart attack. Kids have died or suffered serious injury after falling out of shopping carts onto cement floors.
>>Every parent tries to do their best. It is mostly on-the-job training though even with parenting classes. Unless there is physical harm, I don't see it as child abuse. I see it as a type of parenting that I don't agree with for myself. Yet, I didn't have boys. :o) If I had boys like some of the ones I see running around these days, I might have turned into an advocate of spanking...
>For me it's a reasonably simple question. In circumstances where you aren't allowed to hit an adult, you shouldn't be allowed to hit a child, and hitting adults is usually only allowed for self defense or in case they are showing signs of hysteria. In fact, hitting a child is far worse imho because they aren't allowed to hit back, and the whole point of being a parent is to protect your children, not to hit them.
>Afaic people who use corporal punishment on a child is simply a bully. Sure people do things in a moment of panic that they wouldn't normally do, but those are one-offs. Otherwise, it's just bullying.

It's always a simple, reasonable issue until you are a parent. Then it's not so simple. That's where good judgment under stress comes into play.

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