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US Pakistan airstrike
03/11/2008 15:49:08
03/11/2008 12:32:55
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>>>>>>>>>>These seem to be getting much more common over the last few weeks.
>>>>>>>>>>Maybe a departing gift from George to Obama, a nicely mixed up Pakistan.
>>>>>>>>>Good. We know Pakistan is harboring terrorists, and is doing nothing about it other than take our money ($800 million this year IIRC), so I say go after terrorist targets. As far as mixing them up, I don't know how they could get any more mixed up than they already are.
>>>>>>>>Well Mike your opinion really sums up why you live in possibly the most dangerous country in the world. You also live in a wonderful country but massive power without an appreciation of consequences is not a good combination.
>>>>>>>I am not for going around attacking every country we perceive as not sharing our interests. I do not favor invading or bombing Iran, for example. But Al Qaeda directly attacked the U.S. Its leaders are believed to be hiding in the mountainous regions of Pakistan, with the complicity of the Pakistanis. I don't think we should attack the country or civilians. But a targeted military attack on Al Qaeda forces hiding in Pakistan is appropriate IMO.
>>>>>>I wander whom they were after.
>>>>>>According to late Benazir Bhutto Osama Bin Laden is dead. Since 2001 or 2002.
>>>>>>Commented here
>>>>>>She was assasinated soon after Frost interview, so she never clarified (nor was she asked on the spot)
>>>>>>Very strange all together.
>>>>>Given the context of the interview I think she misspoke and meant Omar Saeed Sheikh was behind the assassins of Massoud (the Northern Alliance leader killed sept 9 2001 - or was the assassin of Daniel Pearl - more likely as he was actually charged with that.
>>>>>Since she named him and he is a known quantity and there is no reason to believe he would have either the means or the motive to kill Bin Laden I think it is much more likely she misspoke in the interview and that is why there was no follow up.
>>>>It could be. Found exactly that as an explanation on wikipedia.
>>>>Along folowing various links from wikipedia, what popped up is that Omar Saeed Sheikh is educated UK citisen, originally recruited by
>>>>MI6, sent to Bosnia to 'help the situation' ... (mujahedeen watch?)
>>>>Later due some 'glitch' in his mental system, he turn his back and reject his parents (MI6 recruiters / bags of cash)
>>>>and become Osama BL 'special son' and 'go between'. He had few jihad 'franchises' on his own, beheaded Daniel Pearl, while preserving (alledged ) connections to CIA, ISI all along.
>>>>Now my question to you is ;
>>>>If everybody is so well interconnected ( CIA,MI6,ISI) and talking to each other through various 'channels' ,
>>>>and 2 (if not 3) out of 3 had ways to get to 'son' OmarS , how come they could not catch his 'father' (OBL) by now ?
>>>>Otoh, Jihad Group that was targeted in this latest US attack, apparently split from Al-qaeda to pursue their own terrorist agenda.
>>>>Any comments from you as an ex-007 ? {g}
>>>I'm not sure any of what you're asking follows logically. Of course CIA, MI6 and ISI communicate. They use people like Omar Saeed Sheikh in places like Bosnia and Afghanistan (during the Soviet occupation) but seldom have illusions that they have bought people they have only rented.
>>>There are lots of fragments among the groups we consider our enemies - so what? In many cases ( Hezbolloh / Syrian intelligence both working a Bekaa valley ) they hate each other more than they hate us but work together sometimes because they find it expedient. We deal with that when we must and exploit it when we can. I've always felt we'll get Bin Laden when some faction decides to give him up.
>>He was not 'rented' by MI6 , he was in fact created (recruited) by MI6. What an amazing character; From MI6 recruit to OBL 'special son' . Conversely, do you know of any mobster for instance who would delegate such special role to someone who is known to be ex-cop ?
>>Now, if character like this being sent to Bosnia in early 90ies does not bother you at all (as it bothers me), I wander
>>do you find it 'cosher' that the same ex 'recruit' also wires money to 9/11 hijakers (with ISI 'watermarking' whole picture)
>>and still walks arround, (between) trades, maintain ties etc.
>>Not even remotely strange to you ?
>>Do you still believe leveling with people like this (even if for trading favours) as something that helps your security ?
>>( '...some bold/hard men doing 'what is necessary' to protect quiet/well fed Ohio suburbia from evils of the world ...')
>Kosher? Only if he were Mossad, and even then .... Do I find his career path strange? In that world, not even unusual. Would an intelligence agency or terrorist cell use someone they knew to have worked for the other side or whose loyalties are suspect - of course they would. Would they trust them, of course not. But trust isn't really the issue. ( see above example of Syrian intelligence and Hezbollah or for that matter Syria's relations with any Sunni or Shia group. )
>The idea of 'creating' this guy is just silly. He was a hire. Those who hired him needed him for something and knew full well someone else could hire him as well. No one is sure in that world where real loyalties lie. There are some very bad people in the world. Is all this new to you?
>I don't know what the authority is for the 'special son' stuff or much about what this guy really did. I don't suspect you do either. I understand your political world-view encourages you to somehow see this as an area where you can score points with moral outrage, which you seem to feel has some bearing on how the world works. I don't think anything I can say on the subject would mean anything to you so award yourself whatever points you think are appropriate. I don't feel any need to defend reality. "Gravity isn't just a good idea - it's the law" {s}

Oh I don't doubt that things are even worse then both me or you present it here.
There is defenetly difference in perception (you accepting it as 'law'. necessity etc versus me being disguisted with it) but I wander how come you are so acceptive of all that even to the point of romanticising it, whereas all this is simply not only wrong, but as a matter of fact sickening! I could understand self perceived 'knighthood' back in cold war times, bit where did it all go last couple of decades ? Sending mujahedeen to Bosnia (incl OmarK), assisting Kosovo KLA (google on Drug hub + Kosovo) , even recruiting terrorist themselves...

So various agencies were funding and helping logistically fundamentalists (or maybe terror delivery businessman), of various breeds for past 20++ years, and now when things are totally out of control, we have 'global security threat' , necessity for 'war on terror' and all that cr*p ?? Talking about 'gravity law', You might be right;
Whole situation looks like in that profane (Judge Judy) grandma's saying; 'You are pi$$ing at everybody's feet and telling us - It is rainin!!!'. Stop pi$$ing, so it will (eventually) stop raining.

As simple as that.
If you cannot do that, then at least spare us of gravity lessons {s}

Srdjan Djordjevic
Limassol, Cyprus

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